Chapter 9- you've changed...

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*self-harm warning*

Pietro's Pov:

Peter grew distant. That's cool. No, it's not... ''Peter come here. Please?'' I called for him from the kitchen. '' Im ASLEEP.'' He shouted back. '' Well wake up and get over here,'' I said calmly. ''Fine..'' He growled. ''Thank you'' I said as I waited for him. He came huddled up in a blanket. ''It's 3 pm. Why are you still asleep.'' I asked as he came and sat down next to me. Usually he would come and sit in my lap. '' Cause im tired and i feel like sleeping till 3 pm.'' He said as he laid his head down against the counter and pulled the blanket over his head. ''No.'' I said as i picked him up and took him to the restroom. ''Ughh what are you doing Pietro.'' He groaned as i sat him down on the sink counter. '' Uh trying to wake you up.'' I said. '' What if i dont wanna wake up.'' He replied. ''Well looks like your plan is failing since you're clearly awake and you're talking to me.'' I said with a smirk.

Peter got up off the counter and walked out of the room. its like i could here in his head he said. '' I'm not having this bullshit today.'' in joking voice. He walked to Nats room and watched her sleep. '' Why are you even out of bed.. Usually you never get up until im awake.'' He said with a smirk. ''Well i dont like sitting in a bed waiting for longer then 2 hours.'' i replied. Peter stayed quiet. I waited for a reply but nothing. ''I love you.'' I said softly as i walked in and stood next to him. ''You too.'' He said. i wrapped my arm around him and hugged him.

''Come on i'll lay down with you.'' I said as i slid my hand down his wrist and to his hand. He let out a small whince when i touched his wrist. I looked at him and he just said '' I hit my hand against her bed.'' I believed him. I took him to the bed and laid down with him. I pushed up against his back holding him close. I kissed the back of his neck but still couldn't get a reaction. ''Losing my touch?'' I asked him. ''No.'' he replied as he pulled my hand and kissed it then interlocked our finger.

He let go of my hand as he pushed himself to lay on his back. I placed my hand beside hi head but he resisted me touching him. I moved his arm out of the way and he whinced like i hurt him. '' Whats wrong?'' I asked as i looked at him. '' You squeezed my arm a little to hard.'' He said as he pulled his arm inside his sleeve. '' I barley touched your wrist. What are you talking about squeezed to hard?'' I said out of suspicion. '' I mean you squeezed my wrist to hard.'' He said softly as he turned around. ''No i didn't Peter'' I said now worried. '' Yes you did Pietro'' He replied. ''I pulled Him to make him sit up and grabbed his arm pulling up his sleeve.

'' Hold up.. Nope.. Nah im still asleep. Okay wake me up now. like honestly. i wanna wake up. pinch me.'' I said as i looked down at the cuts in his wrist. Peter was now crying '' You're not fucking sleeping Pietro'' He said as he sobbed into his sweater sleeve. '' Why.. Why did you do that.'' I said quietly. '' Was it me? Did i do something. did someone else do something? did someone touch you?'' I said not understanding why i was looking at cuts in my lovers wrist. ''I dont know... Everything just feels like shit. Everyone talks shit about you and about me just cause we like each other. We cant go anywhere without someone calling my trash.. or calling me a slave.. or saying some really fucked up shit towards me. Yeah you defend me and yeah you're really sweet to me but how do i know this isn't just a persona. I mean the first day we met It felt to good to be true. And To be honest i was at stark internship cause i had a crush on tony. and im ashamed of that and no one is gonna listen long enough to understand that okay? I'm sorry i fucking hate myself.'' He said with tears streaming down his face. '' I Love you peter... And trust me i knew about you way before Stark internship. Everytime you were at the park I was there. that gush of wind that would always make you lose your page in that one book. That was me. I liked you way before you even knew me. And peter. So what you had a crush on Tony. you dont anymore. And why would i have got you Pregnant with our child if i didn't love you. You dont see one mean or lying bone in our kid and where do you think that comes from. I means she's a spitting image of me. She has a brain like you but a personality like me. She looks like both of us on the outside. And what people want to shout at me is my problem. and what people shout at you is their problem. It will never be true. I love you no matter what you think and no matter what anyone says. I promised i wasn't gonna let go of your other hand but you're slipping. It feels as though you are letting go of my hand. And im not gonna let you do that cause thats not how i am. Tighten that grip back up cause i swear on everything. I am not letting go of your hand.''

Tears streamed down his face. I pulled him close to my chest and he sobbed into my chest. I kissed his head not wanting to move away from him. '' Never cut again... Please.. at least try..for me.'' I said as i held him close and he finally calmed down. '' I promise..'' He whimpered. I lifted his chin and he looked at me with his sad puppy dog eyes... ''Peter I love you.. Trust me.'' I said as i laid a soft kiss against the cuts on his wrist and slid down his jacket sleeve.'' I love you too...'' He said as he finally looked me in the eyes... I gave him a gentle kiss and laid him back down. His body quivered in my chest and i just laid with him in my arms. I stayed awake the entire time while he slept. ''I'm glad i have you..'' I whispered as he slept.

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