Chapter 13- Coma baby

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Peter Pov:

Me and Natalia both looking like hot messes went down to the lobby. I had a headache and Natalia was overall confused, scared, and sad. ''Fury asked for Me and Natalia?'' I told one of the agents walking '' Yes, Parker and Maximoff. He's on Floor A-5. Which is the 5th to top floor.'' She said. ''I thought the top 10 floors up there were for Tony's research groups...?'' I told her. ''Exactly. He has news to tell you.'' She said as she walked away. ''Okay then,'' I said as I walked back to the Elevator. ''Looks like this is gonna take a minute princess.'' I said looking at her and clicking the button 'A-5'.

 I set her down and she stood at my side. She hugged my leg as we waited to get to the floor. 

Finally, the elevator stopped and the door opened. I stepped out with Natalia holding my hand. Bunch of researchers was working everywhere and there was a door in the back with a whole bunch of security. ''Parker.'' I heard my name being called. it was Fury. ''Fury... You called for us?'' I asked as I walked to him. ''Yes I have news'' He said walking towards the door with a whole bunch of security. ''Pietro is in there.'' He said as he pointed to the door. ''But... He isn't 'Awake' one would say.'' He warned as he opened the door. ''Daddy!'' Natalia said as she ran in and hugged him. ''Peter... He's in a coma.'' Fury said looking down. ''There uhm.. There is a chance he may not wake up from it. and if he does there is a 50% chance he won't have any memory because of the head damages he took.''

I looked down... ''No memory of me or Natalia...'' I said as I got teary eyed. ''Yeah Parker...'' He said sadly. ''Can me and Nat just have a moment with him for a second?'' I asked still looking down. He nodded and walked out of the room. 

I sat next to him and pushed a few pieces of his hair off his face. He had no shirt on so it revealed the bandage wrapped around his chest. I ran my hand across the bandages leading to the left side of his chest. I looked at it seeing both me and Natalia's names there. ''Daddy misses you,'' Natalia said as her eyes glowed a silver and blue color rather than her normal multi-colored eyes. It went away and I looked back down at him. I watched his chest go up and down and studied each pace of each of his breaths. 

Natalia looked at the red-stained Bandages and started to pull them off. ''Hey Nat you shouldn't do that,'' I said as she continued to gently take the Bandages off of him. She ripped it all the way off. ''Nat Why'd you do that?'' I asked confused. Her eyes glowed blue and silver again as she laid her hand gently against the bleeding gash in his chest. ''Don't touch that Nat,'' I said but she held her hand up and Reality warped me to be quiet. Looking at his chest it healed. ''She took the warp off of me and I looked at his chest I ran my hand across it and it was actually gone. She kissed his forehead and whispered to him. '' Now it won't hurt anymore.'' I stared at him waiting to see a reaction. '' It won't wake him up... It just stopped the bleeding.'' She said. '' love you, daddy.'' She said to him. She walked to a chair and sat down. 

 ''I'm sorry I couldn't get to you sooner,'' I said as Leaned my head on the bed making sure not to touch him. I held his hand. ''Wake up, please... I don't care if you won't remember me I just wanna see you smile again. And I wanna hear the joking charming accent of yours.''  I whispered to him. Fury knocked. ''Parker I think you should go now...'' He said as he patted me on the back. ''Okay,'' I said as I kissed Pietro's cheek and walked out of the room. Natalia held my hand in the elevator. Once we got back down to our own floor I went straight to Pietro and I's room. Looking around I just sat in the bed... Everything felt so empty without him here... 

(Self-harm warning and Mental break down)

I walked to the restroom and looked through the drawers until I found it... The razor last time. I grabbed it and twirled it between my fingers. I sat it down on the nightstand on my side of the bed and turned the Tv on. Breaking news Spider-Mans identity Revealed and the Loss of a former Avenger... And this time he most likely isn't coming back. Photos and video footage of a Homosexual Avenger by the name of Pietro Maximoff were stabbed and choked to death in battle. after he collapsed friendly neighborhood spidey swooped down in an attempt to save his life.  But Spidey was a bit too late. him falling to his knees and pulling his mask off it revealed Peter Parker Pietro's boyfriend. Was it Peters fault of the death of Pietro Maximoff. Riots have gone out for The maximoff brother. Most of them Against Peter and the rest on the monsters who attacked our city.'' 

I turned off the Tv and turned around. ''Maybe it really is my fault...'' I thought to my self. I picked the razor up and cut a few lines in my wrist... '' FUCK!'' I shouted at myself. ''Dumb piece of shit!'' I said to my self. '' It's your fucking fault he's gone. He's not waking up. And if he does you better bet your ass he's gonna hate you!'' I muffled into a pillow. I threw the pillow at the tv and knocked it down. My wrist dripped blood as I continued to put cut after cut. None too deep though. I swung the door open and it slammed into the wall knocking down a picture of me and pietro smiling. Natalia peaked out of her room at me. She grabbed the home phone and a sticky note off of her wall and dialed Bucky's number. 

''Uncle Bucky I'm scared... Dada is mad and sad and he's bleeding... He keeps screaming at himself too..'' She whispered in the phone with shaking breaths. '' Hey its gonna be okay got it? I'm coming right now.. Go hide in your closet. He's not gonna hurt you but it's to be safe okay?'' He responded softly. '' Okay please hurry Uncle bucky...'' She begged.  

I let off a low growl at myself. ''Just attack yourself for it. it's your fucking fault.'' I growled too myself. I grabbed a Glass and poured alcohol in it. I drank it and shook my head. I dropped it to the ground and it shattered. I walk on top of it and just sat There I looked at my foot I pulled out the glass as my foot bled. I picked up a broken shard and cut my Wrist even more. I heard the doorbell. ''Get out'' I said from the other side of the kitchen. I downed more alcohol to try to take away the pain. I downed even more until I felt drunk. 

'' Peter What happened?'' Bucky asked as he came to my side. I grinned and looked up at him while taking another cup of the alcohol. ''I...'' I started as a burped. ''Happened,'' I said while just taking the entire bottle and drank from it. I picked up another glass piece and slit and cut in my wrist. He looked at me and Walked away. '' Mistake,'' I said to myself cutting again. ''Idiot'' I named again while slicing again. 

He walked to Natalia's room. ''Nat? It's uncle buck come here sweety.'' Bucky said softly. Natalia ran into his arms sobbing. '' Is dada Okay?'' She uttered. ''He's just really hurt and broken right now sweety... It's gonna take some time for him to be alright again.'' Bucky reassured her. '' Let's go you wanna go spend the night with Grandpa Steve?'' He asked her softly.  she nodded her head ''Okay let's go princess. I'll be right behind you. I got to help daddy though okay?'' Bucky told her. she nodded again. He picked her up in his metal arm and carried her past the kitchen. She stared at me bleeding. I drank more alcohol and placed 4 more cuts in my wrist. I looked up at her with a face of sorrow. I looked back down she hugged onto bucky. He set her down in the elevator. ''Press number 8'' He told her. She did so and the elevator door closed.

Bucky walked over to me and picked me up. glass crunched under his boots. ''Pietro?'' I said as my vision started going blurry. He Walked down the hall and into Pietro and I's room. ''God Peter you really aren't okay...'' He mumbled to himself. ''Okay get undress and take a shower I'm not looking.'' He said to me as he put me down. I pulled my shirt off along with my joggers I stepped into the shower as my vision got blurry. blood ran down my wrist and down the drain. I laid my head against the wall ''HEY...! YOU...Stop putting Kool-aid in my shower.'' I mumbled drunkenly and slurring my words. I said as I pointed at Bucky through the glass. He walked into the closet and grabbed one of Pietro's big shirts and a pair of Black sweatpants. 

I turned the water off and stumbled out the Shower. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waste. I stumbled into the wall. ''Okay come on...'' Bucky said as he grabbed another towel and sat me down on the ground he sat next to me. and dried off my upper body and my hair. he slid Pietro's shirt onto me. ''Here slide the on'' He said as he handed me the sweatpants I did as I was told. ''Pietro I-I missed you,'' I said as I started to cry. ''Come on'' He said as he put me on the counter. ''Kiss?'' I asked still drunk. '' No peter'' Bucky responded. ''Why?'' I asked drunkenly. ''You're drunk Peter.'' He said as he grabbed my arm and wrapped it up with bandages. he did it too both. I grabbed his face and kissed his cheek. he went to my foot and wrapped it all the way up to my ankle. He grabbed me and carried me to the bed and laid me down there. He picked up the room and was about to leave. '' Don't go again Pietro,'' I mumbled with my vision still blurred. He walked back and laid down with a sigh. '' Don't touch me kid'' I didn't listen I still wrapped my arms around him and went to sleep.  '' I feel bad for him,'' he said with a puff. he didn't go to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2018 ⏰

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