Chapter 7- Christmas

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Pietro's POV:

My eyes opened to a cloudy winter outside. Peters head was in my lap, Natalia was asleep on his chest and Natasha Asleep on my shoulder. '' Friendly Neighborhood Pillow.'' I said to myself. Scott, Natasha, And I stayed up past everyone last night setting out the presents. Mostly for Natalia but there were 1 or 2 presents each for everyone else.

I softly Pushed Natasha's head into my lap then grabbed the pillow behind her scooted it under her and peters head and moved out from under them. Don't ask how i did it but i did it.Having a memory of the Text Peter got i stopped walking and i turned around. '' If you love him don't walk away from him. by all cost. Do NOT let yourself walk away from him'' A voice said in my head. I couldn't tell if i was still asleep or my conscience is kicking in. I followed it though.. cause i love him more then i thought i could love any other human being other then Wanda. 

Walking back to him i sat down on the floor beside him and stared out the window. I looked around at all 9 people on the couches. Tony and Steve sleeping On each other. Scott sleeping with peanut  Thor hugging Clint like a teddy bear. Natasha sleeping and peter and Natalia cuddled up.  

I grabbed a black hair tie off the table and pulled my hair back into a man bun. I looked over at the time and it was 10 AM. Hopefully they wont be asleep much longer. 

'' Help Please.'' Clint said as he moved a little trying to get Thor off. I got up and lightly moved Thor's arm off of him. '' He's a heavy sleeper'' i whispered.he agreed and got up and went to the kitchen. '' Make something to eat.''  He said as he lightly tapped my foot as he walked to the kitchen. '' I'm fine with sitting here next to Peter and Natalia.'' I replied scooting back towards them. '' They're gonna be a few feet away. nothing will happen.'' he said. I got up and walked to Clint. 

''Yesterday Peter got a text...'' I started. ''I think it was from Anthony... He said he wasn't finished with Peter. And now that we have Natalia it just make me even more worried. '' I finished. Wells who's gonna Attack when there is literally 8 other avengers in the room.'' Clint said. '' I never said he was going to do it today. or tomorrow or a month from now.'' i reminded. '' Look they'll be fine. i promise. You gotta trust me cause i'm your best friend.'' Clint said as he lightly punched my shoulder. '' I guess you're right.'' I gave in. 

'' There you go. now make pancakes cause i'm lazy and you know how to cook.'' Clint said with a cheeky smile. I rolled my eyes and got out the pancake mix. Thor woke up once he heard the word Pancake. '' Did somebody say Pancake?'' He said quietly '' Yes.'' I replied. Scott then woke up. ''So all i had to do to wake you people up was say i'll make some pancakes.'' I questioned. '' Hold up your making pancakes without me?'' Peter asked as he woke up. I rolled my eyes. ''Pancakes.'' Natasha, Steve and Tony began to wake up then Bucky busted from the other room. '' I HEARD PANCAKES!'' He shouted. '' Were you asleep in the Laundry room?'' I asked with a little laugh. '' What!? No... Yeah...'' He tried to lie but fessed it.

Natalia and Peanut began to wake up. ''Merry'' Natalia started as she yawned in between the words '' Christmas Dada'' She finished as she sat up. '' Merry Christmas Princess.'' Peter replied as he picked her up. She laid her head down on his shoulder. '' Cassie lets go get you and Nat all cleaned up'' Natasha said as she grabbed Peanuts hand.

*30 minutes later* 

''Okay everyone eat'' I said as i took a pancake and walked to Peter who was laying on the couch looking at his phone. ''Want something to eat?'' I said as Laid on top of him. ''I'm not hungry'' He said as he kissed me. '' You sure?'' I questioned as i moved his phone aside so i could lay against his chest. '' Yes i'm sure.'' He said. I gained my suspicion but shook it off '' Can i get my Christmas kisses now.'' he asked. '' you can have a couple.'' I replied as i gave him a whole bunch of kisses. ''I'' i started as i gave him another kiss '' Love'' gave him another kiss ''You'' I finished and gave him a longer kiss.

 '' You two are adorable.'' Natasha said with Thor and Clint nodding their heads in agreement. ''Have you guys been there the entire time?'' Peter asked. '' Yeah no we were all here even Natalia they just walked away around the 'love' part.'' Thor said with a smile. ''It's still cute tho!'' Steve said from the kitchen. I chuckled and put my head against peters chest.

 '' I like your little man bun.'' Peter said as he shifted under me and played with the loose brownish white strands of hair. '' I like everything about you.'' I replied as i looked up at him. ''That smile... Your eyes.. your personality.''I added as i gently swiped my thumb over her bottom lip. He pulled me up to be face leveled with him and cupped my face. He looked at my eyes and examined my face. '' Soo... We are gonna sit in this position, No?'' I asked as i let off a grin and looked above him then returning eyesight. He left one hand cupping my face and the other one behind my neck. he softly pulled my neck down and kissed my lips. I laid my arm on one side of his head and placed my hand on the side of his neck.He pulled away and so did i. '' don't wanna rack up another audience.''  he said softly.

''Natalia want to open first present'' I asked. '' Yes please!'' She replied as she finished her pancake. she got up and walked over to the tree and picked up a box that most likely had clothes in it.  she unwrapped it and looked in the box. '' I think they got my size wrong?'' She said as she pulled out the suit that looked like it was fit for a 10 year old. It was blue, silver, black, and red. She brought it over to the table and i picked it up and examined it. '' It had a hood that was blue and had silver in it with white spider webbing looking things. and the Sleeves draped silver cloth. majority of the suit was silver and blue. It looked like a dress. the middle had a Silver spider with a Silver lightning bolt in it. There were Black webbing designs all around it  there was a mask that looked like peters mask but it was white and the eyes where black.The top of the hood had a dead tree looking symbol. '' Super suit.'' I said as i looked at peter. '' It had to have been just a play gift from one of the team mates. don't worry about it. just hang it in the closet and once she grows into the size we'll see if she wants to keep it.'' Peter said I looked at the hoodies stitch line but it was more of a band. ''Made by AS. she's gonna need a super suit <3'' It read. I folded it and put it into the box again. 

Natalia gave Peter a present from me '' Its from daddy'' She said. ''Thanks nat'' He said as he Looked at the small box. he opened it with a confused look on his face. '' Its a tiny bottle of ink.'' He said. '' Look under the cloth.'' I said. Its was a picture of me getting Peter and Natalia's names tattooed onto the left side of my chest right on my heart. As he looked at the picture i pulled up my Shirt revealing their names Across my chest. ''Wow Pietro you permanently want my name on your body?'' He asked amazed. '' People say 'Get something you're never gonna forget' or 'get something that's close to your heart.' So that's what i did. I got the names of the 2 people I love with all my heart on My heart..'' I said as i let my shirt back down. He leaned over and kissed me. 

''Pietro's gift'' Natasha said as she pointed to me. '' Pietro's gift'' Natalia repeated as she handed me the gift. '' That's daddy to you missy'' I said as i smiled at her playfully. I opened it up and it was a Spider-man Jacket and shirt. '' There now you have something that's worth wearing.'' Steve said. '' Thanks old man. I'll wear it right now. I said as i gave him a sly smirk and took my shirt off and slid the jacket on without zipping it up. ''Happier?'' I asked sarcastically. '' now zip it.'' He said. '' No i think i'm good.'' I said. '' Bet you didn't see that coming.'' I added on teasingly. ''The last time you said that you almost died. lets not go there.'' He said as he patted my back.

We all finished watching Natalia open all her presents and the last presents were the older 'kids' aka the other avengers stuff. Peanut had a couple but Scott took them back over to her moms house to open them there. We all had i tired sleepy day and slept all the way through the day. so

THE END. of christmas day! ~Pietro

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