Chapter 3- Triple Birthday

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Peters Pov:

''Nat'' I whispered as she woke up and looked at me. ''Happy birthday pretty baby'' I Said as she got up and hugged me. ''Come on let's go get dressed for today then we can go wake daddy up'' I said as I took her hand and walked her to the restroom to go to the restroom, take a bath, and brush her teeth. 

I quietly got her out of the tub and dried her off then went to her closet to find her something to wear. she peeked out the door and into Me and Pietro's room when she saw his phone. she waddled quietly back to me ''Daddy Alarm.'' she warned quietly. ''I got it. put your diaper on and your clothes.'' I said as I walked out the door.

Slowly grabbing the Metalic blue iPhone I quickly typed his password then quickly turned off his Alarms and quietly ran out of the room.

''Handled it'' I said as I huffed and hid behind a wall. ''You look very pretty'' I said as I picked her up. ''You're gonna jump on him and say beep beep beep like an alarm clock, got it?'' I directed. ''Got it Dada'' she smiled then ran into the room.

Pietro grunted as she jumped onto his chest. He didn't mind. he could take it. ''BEEP BEEP BEEP'' she giggled out ''Hey Nat. Happy birthday, babe'' He said as he kissed her head. ''Happy birfday daddy'' she replied. ''Oh yeah, it's my birthday. How did I forget that?'' he questioned himself. '' AND ITS WANDAS BIRTHDAY!'' he said as he forgot about his twin sister too. ''You wanna go to Aunt Wanda's house?'' I said as I picked her up she nodded.

 ''so no birthday snuggles from both my babies?'' Pietro questioned as he opened his arms. ''Of course,'' I said as I laid down next to Pietro with Natalia between us.  I leaned over to him and kissed him. '' I turning 3'' Natalia said as she held up 3 fingers. ''How old daddy?'' she questioned '' Daddy is 24 and dada is 20. When you were born I was 21 and Dada was 17.'' he told her '' woahhh'' she said quietly. I chuckled 

''Okay go wake bucky Princess'' Pietro said.  she soon waddled quickly out of the room. 

Both Pietro and I got up. We both headed to the restroom but before we walked in Pietro slid in front of me. ''We can have a little fun, right? I mean it is my birthday.'' he said with a grin on his face. ''your definition of fun?'' I questioned moving around him '' Peter.'' He said playfully at first. He brushed his teeth so I assumed he was finished with his immaturity.  but once I looked he was sitting there waiting. ''Peter'' ''Pietro'' we said one another's names. ''Please..'' he said giving me the ocean eyes. ''Fine'' I mumbled '' Only for a little bit cause we need to get back to Natalia'' I added '' She's with bucky loosen up a bit'' Pietro assured.

 I kissed him and he then lifted me and wrapped my legs around his waist. As he sat me on the sink counter he whispered ''There you go.''  he kissed down my neck and I let out a gasp. Leaving a love bite on my shoulder he worked his way back up to my cheek and to my lips. Gently holding the back of his Neck. I ran my hand up his bare back. 

''Daddy, Aunt Natasha and Uncle Bruce is here!'' A tiny voice came from the other side of the door. '' We'll be right there. Let daddy and dada finish getting dressed, princess'' Pietro said as his head hung low with a grin on his face. I lifted his chin then kissed his lips once more since I knew he was disappointed. he smiled through the kiss. ''Okay get dress Birthday boy'' I teased jut to make him a little cheerful

Walking out of the room with Pietro by my side, there was already almost an entire party in our living room. Aunt May was there and snapped pictures of me, Pietro and Natalia. ''Wow, it's incredible how much she looks like both of you, And her eyes a beautiful.'' Aunt may compliment.  when we weren't looking Natalia's eyes flashed fully white then back down to her normal multi-colored eyes.

''Too Wanda's house cause she's the one who is having the party for the three of us,'' Pietro announced as everyone got into the fairly large elevator. there were 9 people in the levator and we still had a good amount of space. 

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