Chapter 2- Regular day

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*art not by me*

Peters Pov: 

I walked into the living room on my floor and Saw Natalia watching cartoons. I walked into the Kitchen. She peeked over the couch at me and I looked out the corner of my eye. She quickly ducked back down. I grabbed a pack of fruit snacks and snuck up to the couch 

''Fruit Snack Monster attack!'' I said as I tickled her. She squirmed and giggled.

 I stopped and opened the pack of fruit snacks for her. ''Heres your fruit snacks, Princess'' I said as I sat by her. She grabbed one and ate it then grabbed another and pressed it against my cheek. I opened my mouth and she dropped it in. ''Thank you'' I said and kissed her cheek. 

She finished her fruit snacks and snuggled against my chest. ''Love you dada.'' She said softly as she yawned.  ''Wanna take a nap with daddy?'' I asked her softly. she nodded and I picked her up and took her down the hall to me and Pietros room where Pietro was asleep.

 ''Go climb to daddy'' I whispered and she followed directions. she Crawled up to him and gently laid down next to him. I stood at the door frame waiting until she fell asleep to go into the living room and relax. 

I turned to the News channel and didn't really pay attention until I heard Pietro's name. ''Pietro Maximoff the Brother of Scarlet Witch has a taste in men?'' I heard a reporter say. ''Yeah so what?'' I mumbled. ''Pietro was caught walking out of a local Subway with a Little girl who is suspected to be his Daughter who's the mother we don't know. A boy identified as Peter Parker was seen kissing Pietro, getting in Pietro's car and driving off. Did Pietro take custody of one of his 'One night stands' child?'' The reporter added '' It's my kid! Fucking assholes.'' I scoffed at the TV. 

''Spider-Man still missing for the past 3 years now. Our Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-man Has been missing for 3 years. Did he Pass? Did he take his own life? Did he move on from is acrobat and web-slinging life? Get more info next week.'' At that point, I just turned off the TV.

I grabbed the Laundry and started to fold everything. I put all of, Pietro's Hoodies on hangers and hung them up in the closet. Then put away the regular clothes. I went to grab the rest of the clothes that were Natalia's. I folded them all and put them away in the drawer in her room.

 I made up her Crib and put all her toys away. I but her Avenger Tsum Tsum up along the rim of her crib. I put all her books back onto the shelves and closed her Toybox 

After cleaning her room up I went to the kitchen and started cleaning it. I Put all the Dishes that were in the dishwasher and the rack away in the cabinets then rinsed off the dirty dishes and placed them into the dishwasher. I turned the dishwasher on and listened to the Hum of it. I wiped off all the counters and then Started to sweep. 

I heard the Elevator ring. I looked up from the floor to see Thor, Scott, and Peanut. ''Why are you cleaning Peter?'' Thor asked. ''Cause I like a clean Living space.'' I chuckled. ''Where's Little Nat?'' Scott asked. ''She's taking a nap with Pietro,'' I replied. ''Is it okay if Peanut takes a Nap?'' Scott asked ''Yeah, Sure you can lay her down in Natalia's room'' I replied. 

Thor began to pick up the Living room. ''Thanks Thor'' I said as I finished SweepingScott came back out and sat on the couch. ''Yall watch TV or something. I 'm gonna go check on Natalia And pietro.'' 

I walked into the room to see Pietro awake and looking at his phone ''Morning babe'' I said as I walked over to him and kissed him. Natalia started to fuss and then started crying. I went and picked her up ''Shh, its okay dada got you.'' I said as a bounced her in my arms. ''Diapey'' She said through her tears. '' Okay let's change your Diapey'' I replied and walked to her room and grabbed the wipes and a diaper. I took her back to the Bathroom in me and Pietros room I laid her down on the fluffy rug and changed her diaper. 

'' I thirsty'' She said as she stood up and waddled out the bathroom door. '' Uncle Scott and Dor!'' She cheered as she walked down the hall to see Scott and Thor ''Pumpkin!'' ''Lady Natalia!'' They both said as she waddled to them on the couch. 

''Scott, Thor, And Peanut are here,'' I said as I went to go get Natalia. ''Morning Pumpkin Seed'' Scott said as he gave her a hug. '' I not Pumkwin. I Natawia'' She giggled. ''Right. Natalia.'' Scott said and acted like he must've forgotten just to play along with her.

''Come here Nat'' I said as I walked to the fridge. She waddled over to the kitchen. I picked her up and put her in her high chair. ''Want something to drink?'' I asked her as a grabbed a Sippy cup out of the cabinet. ''Want some juice Babe?'' She giggled and said mhmm. I got the juice and poured a little bit into the sippy cup.

 '' Dad do back fwip'' She giggled. '' Want to see a backflip?'' I asked her She giggled ''Okay here goes nothing.'' I stepped into a space outside the kitchen and backflipped. ''How'd I do?'' I asked her. ''Gweat!'' She replied '' I could land it better don't you think?'' I asked her then Moved back and did another backflip then did a front flip. ''How was that one. '' Better!'' She giggled. '' Dad doing tricks for you?'' Pietro said as he walked into the kitchen. '' Dad awesome and Daddy fwast!'' She giggled more.

Pietro zoomed to the living room and then zoomed back to Natalia's side. She smiled. I made Natalia a fruit cup with banana's, Strawberry's, and apples then heated up her spaghetti since I was too tired to make actual dinner. Pietro was sitting on the couch with Thor and Scott I just sat at the Kitchen counter drinking apple juice cause why not. 

Natalia started to fuss cause she couldn't reach the napkins. Pietro looked over the couch. I got up and handed her a Napkin to wipe off her face. ''Finish your fruit'' I told her as I sat back down. She nodded and began to eat her fruit. ''Done'' she said as she swallowed the last piece. I put her dishes in the sink and wiped her off and then wiped the counter down. She ran to her room to go play with Peanut and watch cartoons. 

I walked into the living room and laid my head on Pietro's lap I began to fall asleep. 

Once I was asleep Natalia and Peanut ended up falling asleep on the floor in Natalia's room while watching Cartoons. Scott and thor Ended up Falling asleep on top of each other. Pietro turned off the TV and the lights then picked me up bridal style and took me to our room. He laid me down and curled himself around me And fell asleep. Bucky came up the elevator and walked to Natalia's room and guarded it while Scott slept.

Dad Is Visting Daddy For A While, Princess || Silverspider Family. ( Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now