Chapter 5- Christmas Eve (part 1)

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( Sorry for the big time jump)

Peter pov:

''Come here Natalia'' I said as Natasha pulled Cookies out the oven. I picked her up and sat her on my lap. '' You ready for tomorrow?'' I questioned her as I lightly bounced her. '' Wheres daddy..?'' She said with a pout '' He's busy working.. he'll be home tonight.'' I reassured her. ''Okay Mini Me'' Natasha started '' Wanna help Aunt Natasha Decorate the cookies?'' Natasha asked as she pulled out a whole bunch of frosting. '' Yeah!'' Natalia cheered as her joyful smile came back. '' So you were gonna decorate without us?'' 2 strong accents came from behind me. ''Daddy!'' Natasha said as she ran towards him. '' Hey Pretty girl.'' He said as he lifted her up. he then set her back down and she ran to Natasha's side. ''Hey Wanda.''  Natasha and I both greeted. '' Hey Pete and Natasha.'' She said. '' Hi baby.'' Pietro said as he kissed me. '' Hello. I missed you.'' I said as I got up and hugged him. '' I missed you too'' He replied.

I let go of him and gave Wanda a normal Side hug. '' Guessing you two made up like Mature adults?'' Natasha said with a smirk. '' Yeah lets put it that way.'' Pietro said as he grinned at Wanda. '' Yeah no you're still gonna get smacked for what you did to vision.'' Wanda said as she sarcastically smiled at her brother. Pietro returned the immature smile. 

''Look daddy I made you'' Natalia said as she wiped her cheek with the back if her palm and left frosting on her cheek.  Pietro walked over to see the white frosting haired cookie. '' Its pretty babe.'' He said as he kissed her frosting cover cheek. 

''You both need baths.'' I said as i picked Natalia up. '' But dad'' ''But Peter'' They both said at the same time. ''Totally Pietro's kid.'' Natasha said as she looked at Pietro and Natalia giving puppy dog eyes to me. '' Aww the babies don't wanna take bathes?'' I said jokingly. '' No..'' They both said. '' To bad.'' I said as a chuckled at them.  '' I can take Natalia her bath.'' Wanda said as she walked over. ''Okay'' i said as i handed her Natalia. Pietro grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hallway to the room. '' Okay i'll just stay over here.'' Natasha said as she took a sip of her wine then poured another cup of wine.

''Why'd you drag me over here?'' I asked Pietro slightly knowing what he was up too. '' Take a shower with me. I mean Natalia's taking her shower and most likely is gonna take a nap after. so why not?'' Pietro said as he walked to the restroom and removed his shirt on the walk there. '' I followed him up to the door frame. '' You have a point.'' I said. '' We're only taking a shower.'' I said. as i took off my shirt as well. '' Yeah yeah fine'' Pietro said. I felt the rebellion chime through his voice but i still removed my clothes. Watching Pietro remove his under armor shirt i saw scratches and bruises. '' What happened?'' I questioned as i gently rubbed his back. ''Eh well Americans are crazy.'' He said with a grin. '' I'm American.'' I said. '' Oh Right. Well i'm not Russian. I'm Slovakian.'' He said with a smirk. '' That's not fair!'' I said as i got in the shower.

Peter stepped into the shower and i was already washing my hair. He leaned against the wall admiring my body. He waited there until i washed it out then he turned me around. Looking at him with my confused puppy dog eyes and pulled me against him and kissed me. I stood on my tip toes to at least try to become the same size as him and kissed back. I held the Back of his neck while his hair began to get wet and fell against both our faces. He didn't care an neither did I. He picked me up and deepens the kiss even more. ''Pietro'' i tried to mumble through the kiss but couldn't do it.I worked down his cheek and to his neck and left 3 love bites and he pushed me up so he could get my neck and he left love bites all down my neck, collar bone, and Shoulder. '' Is everything a Competition?'' I said with a little moan in my voice. ''It could be if i wanted it to be.'' he said as he put me back down. '' I grabbed him and Put soap in his hair and began to wash his hair. '' I could've done that myself you know.'' He said as he closed his eyes. '' Yeah but this is just my sad excuse so i can Touch your hair'' Peter said with a smile. '' If you wanted to touch my hair you just touch it. Its not like you have to ask me.

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