Chapter 4- Parks are cool.

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Pietro's POV:

Well, Peter didn't come to sleep last night. that was great. I got up out of the bed and walked over to the couch where surprisingly Peter was not at. I walked To Natalia's room to find him sitting up sleeping against a wall. I picked him up bridal style as always and the carried him to the bed. I kissed his forehead and walked out of the room. 

''Hey pretty baby,'' I whispered as I saw Natalia waking up. ''Dada sad last night.'' She said as she yawned and wiped her eyes.  ''Daddy sad all nights'' She added. I knew she meant every night I just wondered why. '' Dada Cry a lot... dada tries not to look at you when he's sad..'' She said as she climbed out the crib. 

How the hell does she know this and I don't. '' How do you know this Sweety?'' I said as I took her to the kitchen. '' Cause he turns from you in his sweep and hugs a piwow and sniffs. I can see him from crib...'' she said. I tried my best not to worry. He's probably just tired that's all. 

'' Here Babe you want something to eat?'' I asked Natalia. she nodded. '' Can I have juice?'' she asked. ''sure'' I said blankly as I sat her down in her high chair. ''Later wanna go to the Park Nat?'' I asked her lightly as I poured her some juice. she hummed a yes. ''Which car do we take? Charger or Challenger?'' I asked her knowing she liked those cars the best. '' Chawwenger!'' She cheered. I handed her some fruity pebbles and then walked to the living room. 

I turned on the TV and began to Watch the news. '' Spider-man Appears on May 4th this year. After 3 years in the shadows, Spiderman makes a return at a birthday party pulling a little girl away from 2 men fighting the girl was identified as Pietro Maximoffs daughter and one of the Males fighting was Pietro himself. Pietro setting a bad example? looks like it.'' The reporter said. ''Asshole'' I mumbled ''Spiderman wasn't identified because he was in the house. all we know is that he didn't have his suit on. Leading suspects like spiderman would be Peter Parker the boyfriend of Pietro Maximoff. Is our friendly Neighbourhood Wall climber with Hydra. Talking that Both Pietro and his twin sister did come from Hydra. '' The reporter let out a sigh. '' It wasn't my fault it was Tonys,'' I growled.

''You really shouldn't get caught up with what they say.'' I heard a voice say from behind me. I quickly jumped up and ran to Natalia's side. '' Down boy. it's just me.'' Peter said. I huffed. ''Don't scare me like that'' I said as I lifted Natalia up out of her chair. '' You okay?'' I asked him. '' Yeah im fine. Why?'' he replied with suspicion in his voice. ''just checking. I love you'' I said. '' I love you too baby.'' He said as he gave me a kiss. 

'' Wanna go to the park with me and Natalia?'' I asked him. ''Yeah sure'' he said as he sipped some juice.

''I'll be getting her clothes ready but first, she has to get her Pre-k work done'' I said. ''I might lay her down for a nap after then later tonight we can go. plus we won't be bothered by a whole bunch of people'' he added. Peter just nodded his head and I walked away. 

''Come on Nat lets finish your Pre-k Work also known as just saying colors and numbers and learning how to make a sentence,'' I said with a sarcastic smile but then chuckling. ''Here what's this number?'' I said as a laid out 5 cards. '' 1..2..3..4....5!'' She said with excitement jumping through her voice. ''good job babe.'' I said as a gave her a high five. '' Come on let's take a bath and finish practice,'' I said as a picked her up. 

She played with a rubber ducky in the tub and squirted her head with water from the ducky. '' So Natalia how do you spell your name?'' I asked her as I walked back to the restroom with her baby soap. '' N..A..T..A..L..I..A!'' she said all proud. '' great job babe'' I said as I softly scrubbed her hair '' Now How about your middle name, Quinn?'' I asked her giving her a bit more of a challenge. ''Uhh... Q..W..I..N?'' She asked. '' Q  U I N N'' I corrected her. She studied and memorized each letter. '' Q.. u..i..n..n'' She repeated. '' Now Maximoff?'' I asked her as I washed the soap out of her hair and grabbed a towel. '' Oh Daddy that's easy. M A X I M O F F.'' She said. '' Great job babe. Come on let's get you dried. we're done for today'' I said as I gave her a soft smirk. She crawled out of the tub and onto the rug and then wrapped herself in the towel.

 ''Which Pajamas do you want to wear? Spidey, Aunt Natasha, Grandpa Steve, Or Daddy?'' I asked her going through the pajamas she had. She wasn't into pink princess stuff. only princess things she'll like is if they were blue, red or black. '' Daddy!'' she said with a smile. I slid the blue and white shirt of her head and then the Pants that had lightning bolts and pictures of an animated version of me on it.  She took her hair and swooped it around and said '' You didn't see that coming'' then giggled. Wow, she had a lot of my accent. '' Okay My little Quick Princess lets take a Nap then we can go to the Park later tonight with dada.'' I said as I laid her in bed.  '' now try to take a nap. the sooner you nap the sooner we go to the park.'' I added as I planted a kiss against her forehead.

Walking back to Peter the Elevator dinged. I stopped at the end of the hall wall. preparing to back up and grab Natalia. The door opened and I looked at Peter he shrugged. ''Peter?'' A voice came from the elevator. '' May.'' He said. '' Yeah Aunt May?'' He said as he walked around the middle counter. '' So when were you going to tell me!?'' She said. '' Tell you what...?'' He said confused. I fake coughed and looked down at his wrist. '' OHHH... Umm, I never planned on telling you... BUT it's only because if you found out you would never let me do it again...'' Peter fussed and complained. '' Well you had to tell me at one point! god, peter you could've been killed doing what you do!!'' Aunt may be said worriedly. '' Aunt May I kn-'' I cut peter off. '' Its alright may. I'll make sure he's okay. I'll take care of him. That I can promise.'' I reassured May. '' Pietro... Thank you.. for everything. I don't know what I would do if Peter got hurt. At least I know you'll protect him.'' She said thankfully. '' Anything for you and Peter May. I love your Nephew that it's a bit too much to explain. I refuse to ever let him get hurt.'' I told her. she nodded. '' Stay safe peter. He shouldn't have to take care of you all the time got it.'' She said as she planted a kiss against Peters' forehead. ''I got it may.'' He said as he hugged her. she walked back to the elevator and went home.

*3 hours later* 

''Daddy! Wake up we're going to the park!'' Natalia shouted. She and Peter stood over me as I slept on the couch. '' Okay okay im up'' I said as I sat up. she grabbed my hand and tugged me to the Elevator. ''She already ate, Yes?'' I asked Peter. '' Yeah'' He said as he rubbed her head. ''F.R.I.D.A.Y, tell dad im going to the park with Pietro and Natalia,'' Peter said aloud. '' Telling Mr.Stark. Is that all Mr. Parker?'' F.R.I.D.A.Y asked. ''No that's it.''Peter finished. 

we got to the car and I revved it as I looked back at Natalia who was smiling. '' All buckled in?'' I asked Natalia as she clipped the last piece of her Car seat. she gave a thumbs up '' Wanna go fast?'' I asked she giggled and nodded. I halfway floored the gas and we took off down the long road. I fully floored the gas and I slowed it down. she laughed and looked out the window.

About 5 minutes later we were at the park. surprisingly there were like only 2 or 3 people there. mostly young kids who were probably about 10 and 12. Natalia played on the slides and kept her distance respecting their space. One of the older girls walked up to Natalia and started to play with her.

 '' is that your dad and brother other there?'' She asked as the 2 other boys joined. '' No'' Natalia said. '' What do you mean. The one with white hair looks exactly like you'' ''They are both my daddy's.'' Natalia said as she continued to play. '' Ew your dad is gay.'' The boys said as they laughed. ''That's gross.'' Natalia just looked at them. the little girl turned around and fussed at the boys '' Hey it's her life. not ours. now shut up and leave her alone before I tell mom and dad, Wade.'' The little girl said to her brother. ''Dads never even home. He hasn't even been home since we were born. He died of cancer. remember what Mom said.'' the boy said as he pushed his Sister. '' Leave her alone meany.'' Natalia scoffed up. '' Don't pay him any attention. Mom certainly doesn't have that attitude. you must've got it from dad. WADE WILSON JR!'' She said turning her focus back to her brother. '' Im Vanessa Wilson. Those are my 2 brothers, Wade Wilson Jr and Brandon.'' She introduced.

 ''Wade..? Your dad's name is Wade?'' Natalia Questioned. '' Yeah, why?'' She asked. '' I feel like I've heard his name before,''Natalia replied shrugging it off. ''Im gonna go play with my dads..'' Natalia said as she slid down the slide and ran towards Me and Peter while we sat on the bench. 

''Hey princess'' I said as I lifted her up. I sat her on my lap but then she scooted off and ran to the slides again once the kids left. I grabbed Peters hand and kissed his cheek... '' You know... I can conquer the world with just one  hand.'' He Started... '' As long as you're holding the other...'' He said as he pushed a few strands of my hair out of my face. '' Im not letting go of that hand... So prepare to conquer the world.''I said as I hugged him and he kissed me. The moon put an enchanting look in his eyes that felt like it made me fall even more for him... I must say Peter is someone I can see myself being with for the rest of our days.  

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