Chapter 10- You have 5 missed calls.

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Peters POV:

''Mr. Parker you have an incoming call from, Pietro,'' Friday announced through the bedroom. ''You have 5 missed calls from Pietro'' Friday said as the phone hung up on itself. I groaned as I rolled over to grab the phone. I returned the call to him.

''Hello'' I said as I slowly got up out of bed. ''Happy birthday sleepy head'' Pietro said with a little laugh. ''It's my birthday? Oh, it's my birthday'' I said as I looked at the date. ''well you gonna come join me and Nat at the park, Yes?'' He asked as he looked up to see what Natalia was doing. '' Yeah I'll be there in like 10 minutes,'' I replied as I grabbed some clothes out of the closet and set them on the bed. '' I'll see you then'' He said as he looked back down at the screen. '' Yeah. I love you'' I said as I set down my phone on the bathroom counter. '' I love you too, Bye'' He said as he clicked the hang-up button.

 I looked down at my wrist and smiled seeing the cuts healed and the scars were faded out. I felt genuinely happy and it was awesome. I've gotten a lot happier lately. Those cuts were probably just a phase. I finished brushing my teeth and combing out my hair and then walked into the closet. I grabbed a light Pink shirt that had a hood and the arms were cut from the shoulder to the bottom of my ribs revealing the Tattoo of pietro and Natalia's names down the sides of my body. I pulled on some black jeans and put my pink and white hightop vans on. 

I grabbed my phone and my backpack and got out of the tower in about 5 minutes. I walked down the street and turned to the right and walked all the way down took another right and the park was there.

I snuck over to where pietro was and covered his eyes. ''Hey'' I said as he pulled my hand off his eyes and looked at it. ''Peter?'' He said as he looked behind himself and saw me. '' Bingo'' I said as I gave him a kiss on the cheek. 

''Dada!'' Natalia said as she ran over. ''Hey, princess'' I said as she came and sat by us. ''Happy birthday dada'' She said as she hugged me. ''Thanks Nat'' I replied as I gave her a kiss. She soon ran off back to the playground. Then the cameras started rolling in. Flashes started going off. ''Peter happy birthday!'' ''Pietro what did you get peter?'' ''Omg Pietro Maximoff'' ''Happy Birthday Peter!'' A big crowd started roaring at us. ''How did we get this popular honestly,'' I asked myself as I blocked my eyes from the flashes of the cameras. 

''Might as well make the best out of this Crowd am I right?'' Pietro said as he got down onto one knee. ''Nat come here'' He called for her as she ran over. Clint, Steve, and Bucky walked over. I quirked my eyebrow at Pietro. ''Hey babe...'' Pietro started as he looked at Natalia. Clint handed him a Box and he opened it to her. '' This is a promise ring. Im gonna make you a promise. And this ring is gonna remind you of that promise. Okay?'' He said as he held her hand. She nodded with a cheeky smile. '' Natalia Quinn Maximoff, I promise to always be there for you. No matter what. I promise to be there when you walk down the aisle. and I swear im gonna provide you with whatever you need. You're my princess and you always will be. And if something were to ever happen so I couldn't be close to you anymore then trust me when I say I won't be far...'' He said as he slid the ring onto her right ring finger. '' I'll leave that other finger for a boy you learn to love later in life.'' He said with a wink and kissed her forehead. 

''Aww'' ''Omg that was like so adorable!'' '' Bro that was the sweetest thing ever!'' The crowd roared again. ''You guys Liked that?'' He asked them as he stood back up. ''Yeah!'' ''It was adorable!'' They all said. ''Well then here's another.'' He said as he turned to me.

Steve handed him another box. He walked in front of me and got down onto one knee again. ''Peter Parker'' He started. I put my hand over my mouth as my eyes started to water. ''Don't get too emotional on me..'' He added. '' But... Will you marry me?'' He finally finished ''Y-yes!'' I said through my joyful tears. He slid the ring on my ring finger and got up. I hugged him and kissed him. ''I love you so much'' I said with a little chuckle. ''I love you too. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you and Natalia.'' He whispered into my neck.

'' OMG PIETRO IS KILLING US WITH KINDNESS.'' '' It's ADORABLE'' ''OMG HE DID NOT JUST DO THAT WOW'' ''KING'' ''SNATCHED!'' The crowd started screaming when Pietro Proposed ''I got this.  Well, guys, I'd love to stick around but... We kinda gotta split.'' He said as he picked up Natalia ran to the tower with her quickly came back and swooped me up and ran.

as soon as we got home he put on the news cause he is just... You know he's just Pietro. A high-class Charmer. ''Breaking new Pietro Maximoff just proposed to Peter Parker. Also adding he gave his daughter a promise ring. Pictures of Pietro down on one knee as he gave the Promise ring to his daughter and when he Proposed to Parker are all over the internet. Even pictures of Him and Peter kissing right after. Is this the cutest couple of the century?'' The lady on the news said. '' In fact yes, yes it is the cutest couple of the century,'' Pietro said out loud. ''So hows it going over there Peter Maximoff?'' He said as he looked over to me. ''I love you that's how it's going,'' I said with a smile and walked over to him. I sat in his lap Showering him in kisses. He flipped me over and Kissed me back pulling my leg around his waist. ''Must I remind you im still here,'' Natalia said with her small gentle accent ''Sorry nat'' Pietro chuckled. 

He got up off me and I sat up. He grabbed my hand to see the ring and turned it over and looked towards the palm of my hand then trailed his eyes up towards my wrist. ''Hey I made you a promise. I'm not gonna break it.'' I said as he rubbed his finger over the faded scars. He laid a small kiss on my wrist. I kissed his forehead and hugged him. '' My sweet lil baby Pietro aww whos a great boyfriend,''I said as I attacked him on the couch. He laid down  And I laid on top of his chest

You guys should like totally comment cause im lonely and I want friends. I literally have 0 :) I know right. '' Oh mah Gawd she can write this and be so sweet with words but don't have friends?'' That's what I say. Everyday. Unless you call a pack of fries your friend.  But yeah if you would like to actually be my friend you can contact me on discord (Jimmy Darling #8084) And yes I change my User everytime im on a different Season of American Horror Story cause like Evan Peters characters are like little princes. Can't say princes or kings cause you know my Favorite boys (Pietro and Peter) are princes and kings. Okay, I should stop talking BYEEEE 
~twisted <3

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