Chapter 8- Flash.

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4 Months after Christmas

Peters Pov:

'' So Natalia's 4th birthday is in a month I suggest we start planning her birthday here so we don't have any more incidents like last time... Pietro'' I said gesturing towards the fight on her birthday last time. ''Its also my birthday'' He mumbled. '' Well im not sure if you planned on fighting anyone on your birthday,'' I said as I ruffled his hair and kissed his cheek. '' Well he shouldn't have called me a disappointment.'' Pietro protested. '' Well you shouldn't have called him a machine nor Toaster oven,'' I replied as I slid my shoes on. '' I didn't call him a toaster oven. I said I would've been happier if she got married to a toaster oven.'' He said calmly. I got up ignoring it all and grabbed his hand making him stand up. '' I don't care,'' I said. '' I don't care about what you said. I care that you're safe''I said as I held onto his sides. '' Now to the store my beautiful fast baby'' I said with a smile.

'' Nat you ready?'' I asked as a knocked on her door. '' Almost dada I gotta get my shoes.'' She said. ''Almost got... them..'' She said as she slid the small Pink hightop vans on. '' Got it! Coming!'' She said and she came to the door and opened it. '' There's my pretty baby,'' Pietro said as he lifted her up. ''Let's go'' I said as I grabbed the car keys.

Getting into the car I sat down in the seat with one leg out the car waiting for Natalia to get buckled. She did and I closed the door. Pietro got in and put his seatbelt on. I soon took off in the black and white charger making the engine roar just to see a smile on Natalia's face. he giggled and I looked through the mirror to see her smiling. 

after about five minutes we were at the store and Pietro carried her inside. '' Im gonna go look at decorations,'' I told pietro as I let go of his hand. '' Okay im gonna be close behind'' Taking the cart towards the other side of the store I went down an aisle with blue decorations. Someone bumped into my cart and I just said '' Don't worry about it'' As I continued to look at the decoration.

 '' Peter Parker... Or should I be more specific Penis parker.'' A familiar voice came from behind me. I let out a sigh and hung my head. '' Flash'' I said. '' I see you're looking at stuff for your daughter. Your girl must be happy. I mean I know mine is.'' He said remarking '' Oh wait I forgot. you're not into girls you like more dick.'' He said with a laugh. '' How's your boyfriend? Isn't he an avenger...? What was his name? Pietro... Maximoff? wasn't it... He looks really fake in the pictures.'' He said judgingly.

 '' Well he got more then you do,'' I said. '' Did you actually need anything Flash?'' I said as I turned around. '' Yeah did you need anything... what was it? Flash it was right?'' Pietro's strong accent said as he came around the corner with Natalia high in his arms. '' And honestly, I feel as though in the pictures they make me look a little more scrawny then I actually am. But I could always test the theory.'' Pietro said as he wrapped his arm around me and I put my hand On his hand. '' Now did you want to say anything else. Cause trust me at least. We have time'' He said as he looked at his phone.  Flash Examined Pietro's body from his white hair to his eyes, Biceps, Chest Then to his Blue Vans that said '' Gotta go fast'' On them.

 '' Okay Mr. tough-guy'' Flash said as he stepped up to Pietro. Knowing Pietro's temper he handed me, Natalia, and stepped forward '' I can always show you 'Mr. Tough-guy''' He said as he looked all around at Flashes more scrawny type of body. '' Pietro don't waste your time. He's not worth it'' I told him. He looked at me and stepped back a little bit. '' Yeah do what your slave says. Pietro.'' Flash said with a grin. ''he's not my slave.'' Pietro started as he walked up to flash and turned him around holding his back. and running at his speedster rate and leaving him far away. '' By the way, don't move your neck to fast. you might have Whiplash.'' He said with a smile as he ran back to me and Natalia.

Pietro ruffled his hair once he came back knowing it was probably a mess. ''Thank you'' I said as I gave him a kiss. '' Who was that?'' He asked as he walked by my side. '' Old school bully,'' I said as I moved along. ''So why spare him from an As-gardian Friendly game of beats.'' He said as he looked at Natalia. '' so you won't get in trouble from winning a little bit too much.'' I replied. ''What color you want Nat?'' I asked her. she pointed towards the blue colors. ''Okay blue let's go for it'' I said as I smiled at her. ''Pietro'' I said and he grinned running up and down the aisle grabbing blue decorations. Nat and I just sat and played a game on my phone while we waited for him to pick out everything. He's a bit of a smart ass but he has a sense in fashion and he's pretty decent.

'' Okay'' He said as he ran his fingers through his hair. I looked through the cart to see a whole bunch of mini Tsum Tsums of 'QuickSilver' and 'Scarlet Witch' plus a few of SpiderMan ones. ''Do we honestly need all of those?'' I asked. '' OOOO PRETTY!'' Natalia said as she looked in the cart. '' Yes. Yes, we do'' Pietro said with a smirk. As we checked out a few girls waited close by to ask for pictures. 

Once we finished I walked to the exit with the cart and Natalia and waited for Pietro to get his crap done with the girls. '' Peter can I get a picture with you and Natalia?'' a girl said as she and her friend came over. Oh sure. '' Nat look picture'' I said as the girl got her phone and came in front of me and faced the camera to us. she did a bubble in her cheeks and crossed her eyes making a silly face and both me and Natalia copied the face.  Her friend was next and I did the peace sign and nat hugged the girl. '' Have a great day guys,'' I said as I waited for pietro to finish with his pictures. 

'' Can you kiss my cheek for the picture?'' A girl asked. she was younger and He turned my way. I nodded and he gave her a kiss on the cheek for the picture. '' Thank you, Pietro!'' She said as she ran back to her mom. Another girl came and hugged Pietro and took a picture. 

Pietro finally came back and we walked out of the store. '' Happy Early Birthday Pietro and Nat!'' Another girl shouted. '' Thank you'' Pietro and Nat said in unison. Another girl ran up to Pietro and walked by his side. '' Hello?'' He said. '' Hi! Uh hey.'' She said. '' I kinda can't do any more pictures right now.'' He said as she continued to walk. '' You know Peter really isn't Special.'' She said as she glared at me. I looked down then looked back forward and Hid my face behind Natalia. '' Kill me already,'' I mumbled into Natalia's back. Pietro scoffed and didn't reply. '' I can be better. Plus you don't even have to be Gay.'' She said as she put her arms around his Neck and jumped onto him wrapping her legs around her waist. '' Daddy?'' Natalia said As she looked a pietro stopping with the girl on him. '' I can be whatever you want.'' She said as she came closer to his face and then pushed her lips against his. '' Hey what the hell can you stop! My daughter is right there you careless Bitch! And its people like you who turned me gay.'' He barked as he pushed the girl off of him. '' Now run along cause im fine with Peter and its never gonna change.'' He said as he wiped his mouth and spit onto the ground. I had tears in my eyes but wiped them away when he said he wasn't gonna change cause he loved me. He pulled my arm '' And just to prove to you that I'm perfectly fine with Peter'' He started as he leaned me over and Made out hard with me then licked My bottom and top lip. '' I'm perfectly fine With kissing and fucking him whenever I want. '' He said as he flicked her off and turned around putting his arm over my shoulder.

''You really don't need to prove to anyone our love,'' I said as I looked at him. He stared at me back. '' I'm not just proving them. I'm proving it to you as well.'' He said as he grabbed me Cheek and kissed my lips again. '' Aww, see you're too adorable I literally don't deserve you,'' I said as I leaned against his chest. '' No. I don't deserve someone like you. You're the Adorable one. I'm just highly charming.'' He said with a wink and ran his fingers through his hair. '' I love you'' I said with a little laugh. '' I love you too.'' He replied '' I love you!'' Natalia shouted. '' We love you too Nat!'' We both replied cheerfully in unison.

Umm warning The next chapter is skipped over Pietro and Nats birthday but Um it becomes a little closer to Peters birthday but I should give a self-harm warning cause there will be depressing stuff in the next chapter. Okay, I just wanted to give that warning. Love you all! Have a great night <3 ~Twisted

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