(Old) Lullaby/ DaithideRisor(ser?)

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Hope you enjoy my second shitty story.



Brian's POV:

I was watching some stupid love show until I heard shouting coming from upstairs. Oh,Nogla...Raging again. I continued to watch the show until I got bored and searched for something else. As I was about to watch a show,I heard something break. Wich scared the shit outta of me. "NOGLA?! BABE?!" I shouted. But,no answer. I decided to go check on him so,I knocked on the door and entered. I saw what broke,it was a plate he left when I fixed him dinner. Sure it was broken in to pieces ,but all I care right now is Nogla. "Baby? You ok?" All I got in response was an annoyed grumble. I sighed,but determined to help him out. "Hey,it's ok,I'm here." I sat down next to him,on the bed,where he was laying down,back facing me. I gently caressed his arm as I hummed a soothing tune. He seemed to have relaxed,still mad,but relaxed. I took that opportunity to start singing.

"You are my sunshine..."

I went to now caresse his back.

"My only sunshine..."

I smiled as he began to turn around.

"You make me happy..."

He clinged on to my arm,almost crushing it.

"When sky's are gray..."

He began to fall asleep on my lap,but I still continued to sing.

"Oh,don't you know dear?"

"How much I love you..." 

I placed his limp body on the bed and started to cuddle with him.

"Please don't take my sunshine away..."

I know this was a short one,but really,my hand hurts so...fuck XD

Anyhow,hope you enjoyed this one shot. Buh bye!

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