A handful // (various ships)

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Heya. I'm alive! Sadly (°^°). I got this idea by reading a different fic. Hope you enjoy. ⚠️Warning: this fic may trigger some people, read with caution. ⚠️

Patients: Tyler, Luke, / Marcel, Brian

Tyler: Autism 

Luke: Tourettes

Marcel: OCD

Brian: Anorexic

Caretakers (Doctors): Craig / Evan 


Craig was currently in his given room, reading a book he had just borrowed from a co-worker. It was all about different disorders and their traits. But he stopped at a specific page, marked 'OCD'. Sure, Craig knows exactly what OCD is but he isn't sure about the extent a person can go with this disorder. He needed to know what exactly this disorder can do to a person.

They had just received a new patient, Marcel. First one Craig had to take care of with OCD. He had cared and helped many patients but to him, OCD was new. Of course Craig can always ask his boyfriend for help who also works here. 

Evan started working at this place when his brother was diagnosed with PTSD. He had this urge to help people in almost the same situation his brother was in. And that's what brought him here, right now. With a amazing boyfriend and interesting friends.


"Hey C. What'cha reading?" Evan's voice startled Craig as he fumbled to catch the book. This made Rvan huff a laugh.

"A book about different disorders. I was more interested in this 'OCD'. I borrowed it from a co-worker." Craig responded, eyes glued on the page. Evan sat next to him, head leaning against his shoulder.

"How's Marcel, the patient diagnosed with OCD?"

"Ok, I guess. He couldn't stop pacing around the room and panicking for every little imperfection there was." Evan laughs at this, just imagining his boyfriend struggling.

"He's very observant wich pisses me off!" Craig slammed the book in the process and laid on the bed.

"Too shay, How about Brian, is he ok with Marcel being his new roommate."

"Eh, Brian is a sweet and kind person, I'm not surprised if he is." Craig looked up at Evan and asked for the time.

"It's 2 pm." Evan said getting up. Craig muttered a thanks, getting up himself. He walked towards Evan and gave him a quick peck on the lips and said his goodbye. 


"Tyler, ass or titties?" Luke asked Tyler like he's telling the weather. 

"What? The fuck kinda question is that?" Tyler stared at him, confused.

"Well of course ass! To answer your damn question." Tyler muttered the last bit, huffing a laugh.

"Well, I mean, their both quite- FUCKING ASHOLE- great." Luke grumbled at his tick. Tyler only laughed.

"Dude, we've been dating for a year, and you say you like tits?" Tyler started laughing uncontrollably.

"Have you seen yours?!" This made Tyler stop and glare at Luke. Luke was the one who started laughing.

"I see you guys are having fun." They both jumped, wich activated Luke's tick.

"BASTARD DOCTOR- shit, sorry!" Evan just reassured him with a smile.

"So, How was it with Craig?" Tyler asked eyeing Evan.

"W-What? I-I don't know what you're talking about!" Evan turned slightly red and his face.

"Ohhh- Tyler's getting cocky, watch out Ev." Luke snickered and Evan only glared at him. 

"It's obvious, your collar is crooked. Your glasses have a finger imprint on it, meaning you rushed to fix it, your cheek has a lil red mark on it. You're clearly denying you did anything with him, you're flustered, your hair's messy-"

"OK STOP." Evan inturupted. He groaned and glared at Tyler who was smirkin.

"I mean, just saying." Tyler said with a smugish tone in his voice. Luke chuckled, getting up from his bed to sit next to Tyler.

"Anyhow, How was both you days?" Evan look at his chart, preparing to write.

"Luke just asked the dumbest question." -Luke punched Tyler in the arm,only to cause Tyler to laugh- "I haven't had any breakdowns in weeks, I think everything's fine Ev." Tyler said with a  smile on his face. Evan nodded, smiling too. He took some notes then glanced at Luke.

"My ticks are the same -FUCK OFF- nothing unusual. Same for me, everything's been fine." Luke then proceeded to grab a glass of water.

"That's reassuring, Well that's it for today. I'll see you both at lunch." Evan got up and walked to the door waving at them as he left, the two patients also saying their goodbyes.


Craig knocked on the door then entered almost immediately. He was surprised to see Brian and Marcel talking.

"Ah, I see you two are getting along!" Craig smiles, the two patients turning around to greet him.

"Yeah, Marcel has such interesting stories from his childhood! I wish I had a nice childhood..." Brian frowned at the little statement but Marcel pats his back, comforting him.

"I know Marcel...But hey, you got a new roommate, and he seems to like you!" Craig started taking notes.

"Marcel may I talk to you for a second? Please? It's nothing bad I promise." Craig asked, Marcel nodded and both went outside the room.

"I just want you to know about Brian's condition. I know you've been here for only a week, and I know he seems normal and all but..." Craig took a deap breath. So he continued to whisper: "He is anorexic, and well, the past few roommates he had, made his condition worsen. It's not that I'm giving you a huge responsibility but...I just want you to take care of him, please? I won't always be there in time when he does something stupid. Okay?" Marcel nodded, determination shined in his eyes.

"I think I can do that- I-I mean I promise I can do that!" Marcel said with a smile on his face.

"Good to know." Craig smiles. A huge weight lifting from his shoulders. The two proceeded inside the room, Craig closing the door behind him.

"Ok you two, how's it been?" Craig flipped his chart to start writing as the two told him about their week.

"Right, that's all. Brian, I'm counting on you to show Marcel the cafeteria. See you both there!" Craig smiles and leaves with a quick goodbye.

"He's nice." Marcel says.

"Yeah, he's the best trust me! Oh by the way, I suggest you stay close to me when we go for lunch, the patients here aren't so nice. Although I know two friends we can hang out with, i'm Sure they'll love you!" Brian chuckled and got up from his spot. He petted Marcel's fluffy hair before leaving to the bathroom.

Marcel was a fucking blushing mess.


Don't worry, I'll continue it. I'm sorry I was gone so long. I was taking care of my mental health. But hey! I'm back anyways. Anyways I will continue this one shot, promise. Just wanted to write something since ive been gone for awhile now. Anyhow,...

Kitty out!

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