Hurt Comfort (2) // BasicallyidoWildcat

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Tyler doesn't like showing any sign of weakness, and for the three years they had been dating, this is the first time he could finally help Tyler without Tyler pushing him away:

Tyler was with Jonathan and his friends. Jonathan had invited him to come hang out, Tyler didn't want to but still showed up anyway. Tyler just didn't want to hurt Jonathan's feelings.

He was at a store, buying a few things t'ill he heard a few whispers. He turned his head towards the noise and found a group of middle aged men. He got back to what he was doing, but heard the group talking shit to a young lady. He turned back around, confirming his affirmations. 

He walked towards the group, a few of them were around his height. He glared at all of them, the young lady giving hopeful eyes.

"Hey! What the fuck do you want?" One of the guys snickered. Tyler just smirked, his eyes still stuck on them.

"Well, you see. Why don't you leave that lady the fuck alone. She doesn't need you guys, talking shit about her, she's got things to do." 

The tallest guy snarled and stepped in front of Tyler. His eyes fuming with rage and his stance ready to give a punch. Tyler just stood there, his face still, his stance proper and his hands in his pocket. 

The guy was about to punch until Jonathan came in and shouted at the guy to leave.

"HEY! Leave my fucking friend alone you dumbass!" 

Jonathan came in with his other friends and the group of guys snarled and walked away. One of them shouting that they'll be back. Jonathan ran to Tyler asking if he was okay.

"I'm fine you knuckle head! Jesus- ..." Tyler just rolled his eyes at Jonathan's ranting.

The lady thanked him, giving him her number. They both walked off heading back to what they're originally doing. At the end, they all had a good time, and Tyler enjoyed catching up with Jonathan. He was heading to his car when suddenly it was blocked by a large, tall figure.

"Out the way, fuck ass!" Tyler snarled as he tried to push away the large guy, but failed miserably.

"No can do, shit head. You owe us an apology." One of the guys spat. Tyler rolled his eyes, moving aside and heading towards his car. 

"I do not owe you shits anything. So please, would you kindly fuck off?" Tyler hissed. Pure rage formed on one of the guys expression, he looked pissed so to say. Tyler was suddenly rammed against his vehicle, the car annoyingly beeping as they did so. 

'Dang it, that's going to leave a mark' Tyler thought but he had to focus on the fact a guy had so violently pushed him onto his car. A very disrespectful action honestly. 

Tyler's vision went blurry as immense pain shot through his body. When his vision got back he realized he was on the floor, clutching his stomach. When did he get on the floor? And why did everything hurt. He then heard the malicious laughter coming from the guys that were beating him.

'Oh that's right... I was punched.' Tyler blinked a few times, his memory rapidly regaining on him. He had to think fast, he had to do something but what? Nobody is around to witness this, it's currently midnight and it's quite dark. What the fuck is he supposed to do? Run?

'Wait- RUN!' The sudden thought had struck Tyler, Jonathan lived a few blocks from here he could get there and get some help! But...He could barely get up, the pain was unbearable and he can't see correctly nor think at that matter.

He felt numb...oddly numb, as if the pain had subsided. His mind suddenly picked up what was happening. He had been picked up and thrown against a wall nearby. He quickly scanned the area for any escape route but quickly realized  there wasn't any since he was pinned down like a fucking animal.

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