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Uhm...well...I'm sorry but I really wanted to do this base of Tyler! Please don't hate me! I just really like putting Tyler in this situations...IDK! I'll do other ships! Promise!

Genre:Angst, Sad, Fluff

Contain: Violence, Abuse, Blood

High school Au


Wildcat's POV:

I groaned as I heard shouting from downstairs. I rubbed my eyes and sat up straight. I looked ya the time, realizing I was late for school.

"SSHITTT!" I got up and started getting ready. I didn't even bother doing my hair. 

As I ran downstairs I grabbed my bag and a piece of bread. I was about to open the door when I heard glass shattering. I looked behind me as I saw my parents fighting, glass and blood all over the floor. I didn't care at this point. They deserve it, both of them. They both treated me like shit.

I unlocked the door, the bread in my mouth and started running to the bus stop. I sighed in relief when I saw the bus just arriving. I got in the bus and went to my usual spot, next to Marcel.

"Well you're late." I chuckled.

"Hello to you to, babe." I saw him crack a smile as I start eating the bread. He looked at me eating, as if I was homeless.

"Is that all you're having?" He asked, worry plastered on his face. I nod, not really getting the point.

"You need the energy, Tyler! Don't you have sports?" My eyes widen, realizing I forgot my sports bag. I ate the whole piece of bread and gulped it down.

"I FORGOT MY SPORTS EQUIPMENT!" I whispered/ yelled. He looked at me with disappointment.

"Fine, you can take mine, but don't expect it to be to small for you!" I laughed as the weight on my shoulder left.

"Thank you so much Marcel!" I kissed him in the cheek as we start getting off the bus. I waved him goodbye as I started walking to class.

//In class//

I completely forgot I had a test today! How can I forget? My parents are gonna kill me! Shit, what to do! I looked around frantically, trying to calm my thoughts. My vision gets blurry and I feel like my whole body is about to give up. I quickly got up and rushed out the room, apologizing to the teacher. 

Thank goodness none of my Boyfriends were there, otherwise I would have to explain about my anxiety attacks.

I opened a bathroom stall, quickly locking it. I sighed, as I feel myself slowly sliding against the wall. I try and catch my breath. I realized that I had two options. One was to go home and get beaten by my parents or two is to go back in my class, getting a report for quitting class, ask my parents to sign and then they beat me to death. Either way, both of them don't end with a happy ending. I sighed, getting up, and leaving the school. 

I started walking, not knowing where I was going till I realized I was lost. I looked around, my eyes wide, as I try to remember where I came from. At the corner of my eyes, I spot a bus stop, I ran to it, avoiding cars of course, and read the schedule for the bus. I silently cheered as I saw a bus coming in a few minutes, near to my place. But the again I have to wait. I won't mind waiting...


I cleared my throat as I saw the bus arriving, I quickly entered and took a sit. I played with my jacket anxiously. Afraid of what will happen when I get home. Speaking about the devil, guess who came in the bus. My dad. I quickly put on my hoodie as I realized the spot next to me was empty. Of course he had to sit next to me! Fucking hell! Ok, stay calm. I saw my stop, and was getting up, when I saw my dad getting up to. My eyes widen. He was going home. 

When we both got off the bus, I did a u-turn and hid behind a building. I sighed, as I was to scared to go home, plus, I had nothing to cover myself up from the weather except a jacket! So I decided to hug my knees for the rest of the day, and maybe night. Without any food. It's not that bad right? Nothing bad will happen...nothing...


I slowly open my eyes, adjusting to the sudden light next to me. It was dark, and it seemed way past midnight right now. It was quiet. For once. I decided to get up but I quickly fall back down. Confused, I look at my legs. My eyes widen, they were starting to turn purple (hehe my fave color,sorry..) . I didn't realize it was gonna be this cold. God, I need to get home!

I attempted to get up and hold the wall for support. I slowly started to walk, realizing that one leg is numb. I started going faster, trying not to be seen by anybody. When I saw my house, I felt relief but nervous to.

I was at the doorsteps, slowly turning the handle of the door. I winced when it creaked. I gently close the door when I was inside. I sigh in relief. I turn around only to see my father glaring at me. Welp, I'm dead.

"Where the fuck have you been!" He started going towards me, grabbing my arm and pinning me on the nearest wall.

"Don't think I didn't see you on that bus! You fucking bitch." 

He hits me in the stomach.

"You can't do anything but get in trouble, you're usless!"

He punches me in the face. Blood trickling down my nose.

"All you are is a mistake." He growled, finally letting go of my collar as I hit the ground. I finally let go as tears started pouring like a waterfall. Instead of me pushing myself back up, I was carried. I looked at the blurry figure to see who it was. I let my eyes adjust to the sudden darkness. I continued to look at him until I realized it was my big brother. I sighed in relief, slowly hugging him but only to retreat from the pain on my arm.

"Now don't move dummy, you're hurt." He says, getting up from where I was laying down on the bed. He was about to grab the bandages but there was a Knock at the door. He made a sign to not move nor talk, and that I needed to hide. I hide behind a shelf. Not he best place but it could do.

"Who is it?" I listen carefully to the conversation.

"It's your mother, I need you to come out and prepare dinner, guests are coming." I heard an annoyed groan.

"Why can't you prepare it yourself?" My eyes widen at his comment, but I quickly clam down, knowing he can beat my mother at anything.

"Because I need to clean the house you shit head! Now get out there and prepare the dinner!" I sigh as I heard footsteps. I look up from where I was and saw my brother looking down at me, with sad eyes.

"You need to get out of here." I looked at him like he was crazy.

"What!? What about you!?" He sighs but quickly puts on a smile.

"I'll be with you, just not physically. And plus, you're the one getting hurt most of the time. I can take care of myself." I couldn't believe it. My brother, my fucking life, is telling me to leave? Without him? I accepted it anyway. Still insisting he'd come with me.

"No, no, I can't. You know where to go. I trust them." He was already packing my bag as I got up from behind the shelf. I held the wall for support. He then proceeded to put the bandages in my bag.

"HURRY UP!" I heard a woman yelling. He looks at me with teary eyes as he zips up the bag. He gives me a little peck on the cheek and gives me the bag. He then quickly open the window, the going to the door.

"I'm gonna miss you. Please, be careful and be safe. I love you." He whispered the last part then closed the door on me. I sigh, getting out from the window. I start running, even though my legs are killing me. I knew exactly where to go.

Our house


Evan's POV:

I laughed at Luke's joke. I heard a doorbell, so I got up and proceeded to the door. Everybody was silent, impatient to see who it is. I unlocked th door, and look at the figure in front of me. My eyes widen at the state he is.

"Omg -"


CLIFFHANGER. I had to sorry. This is only part 1. If you have any requests, feel free to tell me! Anyways kitty out!

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