Ours // Poly!Bbs

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Ok, so. The title of this one shot book is quite deceiving...so in this one shot, instead of your average tops (Wildcat, Vanoss, Cartoonz, Basically, etc). It's gonna be switched, so that means the usual bottoms are now tops in this ;)

Characters: (let's see if I remember all of them after a long time)Evan, Jonathan, Craig, Tyler, David, Lui, Ryan, Luke, Marcel, Brian, Brock...

Genre: ???

Omega verse AU! (Where all the tops are alphas and the bottoms omegas) SORRY IF IT MAKES NO SENSE! Oh and...sorry if I get this AU wrong...not used to it...

This contains a few sexual content but no smut sorry 


3rd Person POV:

Jonathan was a feared Alpha, a strong one too. He had a gang, and had quite a few hideouts. No gang dared to even mess with him. But, there was one rule he broke, a rule nobody can dare break...Is loving another Alpha. It was a weird concept and hated by the majority of people. If you love another alpha, your not worthy of becoming a true alpha. 

Although, Jonathan really didn't mind loving another alpha, or alphas. He was actually quite happy with the choice he made. He loved having other alphas with him...it was calming for him. The ones who hate this idea can go FUCK off. He was happy, and that's all that mattered.

Of course this was known as a rumor to the outside world, where alphas or Betas have a omega. 


Jonathan was preparing a sandwich for himself. Usually, all the alphas should be on missions or either working. Paper work. But Jonathan decided to take this time to relax, after succeeding a robbery. He jumped on the counter and started eating his sandwich. Jonathan was lost in thoughts as he ate. He hasn't seen his omegas anywhere, what if they got kidnapped, or robbed? Or RAPED-

"Daddy, what'cha thinking about?" Speaking of the devil, literally. 

"Hey kitten, oh just, you know, just a bit worried for your daddies, kitten." Dang, Jonathan was falling even more in love with this Omega. Just the scar, his bright yellow eyes, and his red luscious skin, just makes him want to-

"You're thinking again..." Luke pouted.

"Oh, i wasn't thinking, was just admiring your beauty sweetie." He saw a faint dust of pink on Luke's cheeks. Adorable.

"C'mere, Luke." Jonathan patted his lap, signaling for Luke to sit. And Luke gladly did. He felt him get comfortable, his purring soft as he snuggled close to Jonathan. They were both comfortable, of course with the occasions of Jonathan moving his arms to eat his sandwich.

It was a nice sight for Craig. He couldn't resist interrupting their cuddle time.

"Ahem, Delly~ the guys are back from another mission, they wanna see you both." Craig kissed the omegas head and took Jonathan's hand, pulling him up as Jonathan carried the red skinned omega with ease.

They headed towards the basement, Luke squirming a little in Jonathan's arms. Craig opened the door, letting both Jonathan and Luke in before entering himself and closing the door behind him. As soon Craig faced the others, he got surprised by an omega jumping on him.

"CRAIIIIG!" Craig chuckles, petting Tyler's soft hair. 

"Hey there Piggy." He hugged Tyler tighter t'ill he heard a few whines coming from the Alphas.

"What about us~!?" Brock pouted, the Alpha clearly joking. Craig let go of Tyler to head to the alphas of their big pack. He kissed eached of them, depending on wich Alpha he was kissing, either rough, soft or a peck. Craig was always the affectionate Alpha, caring for his whole pack.

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