A handful 2 // (various ships)

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Here's part two, hope you enjoy!

⚠️Warning⚠️ May trigger some people, please read with caution⚠️

Tyler: Autism

Luke: Tourettes

Marcel: OCD

Brian: Anorexia


Luke was slightly worried about Tyler, the cafeteria was unusually loud. Wich isn't normal. He can deal with a few stares but not a panick attack from Tyler. But at the same time, Tyler hadn't had an breakdown in days.

The two heard of Brian's new roommate and since they had a little spot in the cafeteria just for them, they decided to meet there. It was a nice spot, not many patients were hanging around that area, Luke, Brian and Tyler usually hang out there. Occasionally, Craig would join. And Evan would need convincing.


Brian was changing into some nice and comfortable clothes when he heard something drop from the other room. He peaked through the door to see what happened. There, Marcel was crouched over the floor, peices of glass, presumably from a vase, were scattered on the floor. 

Brian opened the door and casually walked over to Marcel, he sat next to him, being careful for the little shards of glass. He watched as Marcel tried to rearrange every piece but only to put the down and mutter a 'no'. Brian's hand twitched slightly, wanting to help as he watched his roommate panic.

Brian held out his hand to grab Marcel's, gently caressing the knuckles and whispering words of comfort. One hand gently went up Marcel's arm until he reached his face. Brian slowly held him close, their foreheads touching.

"Close your eyes for me, Marcy..." Brian whispered in a soft tone. Marcel took the nickname in account but said nothing as he slowly closed his eyes. His vision went dark as all he heard was Brian's sweet voice.

"Tell me what you see." Brian's hand moved up his face, thumb caressing one eyelid. Marcel took in a shaky breath.

"I...see nothing." Marcel's brows furrowed, as he tried to understand what Brian's was doing.

"Exactly, no imperfections, just a void of nothing. When you see something imperfect I want you to close your eyes and breathe or call me, I won't be so far. Can you do that for me?" Brian's voice echoed throughout Marcel's head, his eyes slowly opening to look at Brian's turquoise one's. (Idk their eye colour don't at me)

Marcel began to tear up as he felt something inside him blooming, for once in his whole life he felt perfect, In this man's arm who he met just a week ago. He felt Brain hold him closer and Marcel couldn't help but let it out. He sobbed in Brains chest, holding on his shirt for dear life.

"I'm not letting you go Marcel, ever and never. You're too perfect for me to..." Marcel felt so loved when he felt Brian kiss his hair, it was a little gesture but meant so much to Marcel. Brian wiped away Marcel's tears and stood up, making sure to hold on to Marcel.

"C'mon, we're late for lunch and I got some friends I want you to meet!" Brian's smile would light up anybody's world, and Marcel took that in mind.

"Heh, sure let's go." 


Oops, that was a little short wasn't it? I'm sorry about that. I wanted to do some fluff before the next part comes. Plus this has been in my drafts for white a while now. 

Sorry for the hiatus, I was on vacation and plus school started so was a bit stressed. Anyway Request are open! 

Kitty out

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