Blanket // KrySmiladd

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This is Kryoz (John), smii7y (Smitty) and Miniladd (Craig). ((Did you know Smii7y's real name is Jaren Smitty :oo))

Genre: FLUFF

Craig's POV:

I was scooped off the ground by Smitty and I whined.

"I'm fine! My legs aren't broken!" I sighed, he chuckled.

"But you're a lil baby!" Smitty cooed[idk]. I grumbled, wich made things worse.

"Aww, John, someone cranky!" Smitty shouted, obviously teasing me. I heard another voice from our bedroom. I groaned, looking at Smitty's face. Giving him the "Why" look. He laughed and started walking up the stairs, heading to our bedroom.

"Cutie." I blushed at the comment, getting real flustered. The door was already open so he didn't have to struggle getting it open. The min we entered the room we heard a groan.

"Min mins here." Smitty whispered. That's enough to wake John up. He sit up, rubbing his eyes and patted the empty space on the bed. I was placed in the middle of the both of them, making sure they didn't hurt me. I smiled as Smitty lay down next to me, John wrapping us in the blanket.

"Comfy?" I heard John whisper. I nodded feeling safe and loved. They put an extra pillow for my head. I smiled, hugging them with my good arm and giving them lil kisses. I heard smii7y chuckle. And I saw John smiling. I yawned, slowly closing my eyes...


I open my eyes, realizing I was alone and not at home. I looked around, trying to find my lovers. I screamed their names but...nothing. I was alone. 

I decided to walk around the empty street. All I can hear is my heavy breathing and footsteps. I still looked around for any sign of life. I hate being alone. I hate it. My mind tends to fuck me up, anxiety, depression, it's always like that when I'm alone. 

I was staring at the floor, realizing it started to get darker. I looked around frantically. 

"No...No!" I screamed, hoping somebody heard me. I shut my eyes tight, tears falling like a waterfall. I slowly opened my teary eyes, realizing I was in the bathroom. My eyes widened at how bloody it was. I continued to examine the bathroom. I jumped and screamed when I saw a body. My eyes wide, I backed away till I heard the door open. I turned around realizing it was me...

"Oh, hi there. What cha doing alone? In this... Room." I raised my eyebrow, thinking I was in a bathroom. I looked around, and i was in a padded room! I was in shock.

"C'mon!" I heard him say. Hesitantly I followed him somewhere else. I asked him who he was.

"Oh, I'm you! You imagined me once!" I raised an eyebrow.

"I...imagined you?" I asked, curious.

"Yes, I'm you but...I'm not loved and I was forgotten." My eyes widened. I did once imagined myself to be lonely.

"It's f-fine tho!" I looked at him, confused.

"Now that you're here!" I gasp. He looked at me with red eyes and started to approach me, his eye twitching.

"No...! I'm loved! No... this is just a nightmare!" I screamed.

"Are you sure?" I looked up, he was gone. Then I heard a car. I looked to my left and I saw a truck about to hit me.


"NOOOO!" I jumped up. Sobbing.

"Craig?" I looked at John and Smitty. They bothed hugged me, Smitty making sure he didn't hurt my arm. I sobbed in there arms. Wetting their shirts. I heard the two whispering about something. I continued to sob in Smittys arm when John got up to leave. I didn't really pay attention at this point until John comes back with some tea and a blanket. I looked up from where I was sitting. Giving him a weak smile.

"Here you go, Craig. We both know this will cheer you up." He said, with a smile plastered on his face. I gladly took the tea as Smitty wrapped the blanket around me. I took a sip of my tea, humming in delight.




Srsly I'm bad at endings, I need to step up my game. I was thinking of a wildtoonz next. Ok anyways IM OUT!

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