You can do that!?// "Everyone"

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Ok i know this may seem confusing but when I say everyone I don't mean EVERYONE.

I won't include Panda, Bryce and FourZero. Sorry. this is not poly bbs but they're all very good friends, when I say good I mean hugging, seating on each others laps, helping one another, sleeping together...that type of shit. Ok let's get on with the story.

Genre:Fluff, happy

Hope you enjoy!

3rd Person POV:

Cartoonz was on the couch arguing with Basically on what to watch. Tyler and Evan were betting on who was going to win. Brock, Craig and Ohm were talking about stuff and Jonathan and Brian were out shopping for god knows what. And the others, well, in the gaming room. 

Craig spat out the water that he was drinking when the door slammed open.

"GUYS LOOK WHAT WE GOT!" Jonathan entered the house in a enthusiastic manner. And Brian just look so god damn excited.

"What did you get..?" Marcel hoped for nothing weird nor to expensive.

"MAKEUP!" Jonathan pulled out a eyeshadow kit and some lipstick.

"That's it? Really?" Tyler groaned and got off the counter to walk to the couch.

"No, of course not! We have plenty more in the bag!" Evan rolled his eyes and just giggled.

"Wait, do you even know how to put makeup?" Luke was curious. Jonathan shared glances to Brian.

"Noooo....." Brian admitted.

"BUT WE WILL FIND OUT" Thus the two men leaving the men.

Tyler got up to follow them, and nobody knew why.

"Wait Ty where you goin?!" Evan asked,curious.

"Go play games..." Everyone said their "oks" and "ohh". And Tyler left. But he didn't go play games, No. He went to help the two out.

He presumed they'd be in Jonathan's room, so he knocked and entered. Tyler could hear the confused groans and grumbles.

"Need any help?" The two looked up, confused and shocked. Since when did Tyler want to help, plus HELP WITH MAKEUP!

"As if you knew anything about makeup." Brian said, confidently. Tyler just rolled his eyes.

"Ok, Try me." That caught both of their attention. The two boys were now looking at Tyler with surprised faces. But it didn't last long. 

"Ok, then.., What's THIS!" Jonathan pulled out a foundation brush.

Tyler rolled his eyes.

"A foundation brush, duh." Jonathan and Brian shared shocked glances and continued their test.

"That's a beauty blender."

"Concealer brush."

"That's foundation."

"That's eyeliner oh and that's a brow pencil...Now do you believe me?" Jonathan and Brian had wide eyes. Of course not knowing what the tools and makeup were they googled it. And Tyler got it all correct.

" do you know this and do you know how to use makeup?!"Brian was in a trance of how a guy that curses almost everyday, has a sports car and acts all manly and shit,knows how to use makeup.

"My mother teached me how, I would always watch her put it on...and since I looked so interested, she showed me how and what. Simple as that." Tyler admitted he had a girly side.

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