chapter 1: im out of here

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Hawk's pov
I was in shock for a few moments." You remember?""yeah but not like each memory flow back in but more of a 'cram it into my brain' kind of way." Suddenly I heard the voice of maleficant calling"I will check on her." "What! She is 15 minutes early." Rose's hoarse whisper came out. "The spy" I muttered"what is it hawk?"" I will explain later. But now we have to escape." "Isn't it a little too late for that?" An evil voice said with relish. I cursed. She had already arrived. We need more time in order to escape. She cast dark bolts of lighting at us but luckily we rolled away just in time. I took out my wand and cast snow magic but she just waved her hand and swatted it away as if it was nothing." Shocking ain't it. Your grandparents barely beat me. Your magic is nothing. You can't beat me and you know it. I will give you time to retreat if you hand over your precious little princess." "I would rather take my chances in hell." "Bold words. Too bad those were your last ones. I was getting ready for the impact when a dark bolt struck maleficant. She stumbled for a while just enough time to escape. But I swear I heard a voice say "run". I wonder who it was but we ran and the others followed. We ran to Travis's house. And luckily travis was at home. "You what!!""I know stupid but worth it." Travis facepalmed. "And what is he doing here. After what he tried to do."" He's changed don't worry.""fine" I sigh but at least we got away soon everyone except for me,Travis and rose left. I explained everything that happened as well as that mysterious dark energy and voice." I will inform h.Cinderella and the teachers. We need to get back the old gang."

Here ya go enjoy while you still can I will try to do more until then this is coolzac12 signing out

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