chapter 4: magic and dreams

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Hawk's pov
We have trained really hard to get stronger. We also tried to nurture Rose's magic but our efforts were useless. We learnt to enchant weapons and rose got two invincible gold bracelets and I had a ice sword that would not melt or break. Travis had a hurricane axe which would whip up a tornado. Ling ling had her pole. Joy and Astoria weren't much of fighters. Anyways it was time to sleep ,enchanting weapons is hard work. I fell asleep and weird dreams came. I saw a goat woman with flames in her hand,a short skeleton in a blue jacket and before waking up I saw an orange heart shining brightly and a voice which said"on the darkest day, a flower be slain. In toughest battle spy revealed,life shall slowly peel. Life will be knit but realities shall split. Death unleashed portal raised,anger out bird shall raze. "and I woke up with a start I checked the clock it was 2 am and I took a scrap of paper and wrote what I heard. I didn't know why but I felt it was important. In the morning, I talked to the others and we all seemed uneasy. Something told me that I wasn't the only one with nightmares but I knew better than to ask. Something was bothering us but I don't know what or why. This is not Maleficant's style. Something or someone else is doing this. But the problem was not who but why. Why did they do it. Also who is this mystery person who helped us. I need to know. But also what are the others hiding from me.

Thanks for reading it was a bit busy as my previous part kept erasing my work so I deleted it and made this new one. Sorry for the inconvenience and also I was in Malaysia. And even though there was wifi there, my family and I were a bit hectic. So yet again thanks for reading this is coolzac12 signing out

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