chapter 12:Hawk's fight with maleficant

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Hawk's pov
Rage consumed me. She had killed my light of hope. Magic was flowing through me trying to burst out. She laughed and reappeared a hundred meters away she summoned three thousand monsters. I just raised my sword and pointed at ten of them. Icicles appeared out of nowhere stabbing them and turning them to dust. I turned my sword back into a coin. I just flicked my finger and hundreds of monsters were sent flying to the wall I then clenched my fist and sharp ice spears came out from the ground killing them. If they threw a weapon or used magic I dodged it or teleported away and counterattacked. I snapped my fingers and three wolf heads made of ice charged ice energy and blasted it. Three thousand down. One left. I raised my hand and maleficant was swarmed by ice and snow. She came out but I wasn't done. I was releasing so much magic my hand glowed in blue magic.

My pov
Sorry  folks but this is how it has to be done.
Hawk summoned 5 more of those wolf heads. "Like these maleficant. I call frost chargers. How 'bout you have a taste of them." He snapped his fingers. The frost chargers blasted. Maleficant managed to dodge just in time. He flicked his wrist and she flew to the wall. He snapped again and the ice spears  stabbed her. He flicked his finger and icicles formed stabbing her again. She was stuck to the wall. Hawk said"I don't like doing what I am about to do. I would probably get very tired. But *hand flickers with magic* you give me no choice." He flew up and snapped his fingers. Thousands of frost  chargers appeared on either side of him. He raised his hand and pointed at maleficant. They balsted her so much she felt as if her whole essence was splitting apart. She fell to the ground bleeding. Then hawk raised his sword and a giant sword appeared out of nowhere and hawk stabbed the ground and the sword fell on maleficant." I will be back and you will feel my wrath.""go to hades"hawk replied and a ball of dark magic came out and hawk grabbed it and then crushed it and it split in two and evaporated. Then he fell down to his knees and tears welled up in his eyes as he knelt before rose's dead body.

Soon very soon you will have something that might jot (anyone who knows this)your memory if not too bad. I picked the song. It is one of my favorites but it does not affect the story. This is Coolzac12 signing out.

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