epilogue:say hello

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Rose's pov
It's been a day since hawk left and I was released from that spell bind. The teachers are here today to clean up the town and restart time. Then I noticed something weird. I saw a boy around the same age as me 18-19 walking around normally as if not affected by the spell. He looked confused. I decided to walk up to him. Then he turned and saw me. "Hi who are you?" I ask politely. "Hi my name is frisk. But where am I? Why am I here? Where is the underground?" "The underground? Where is that? You are in." Doreen came up to me. "I think I know where he came from. But we won't be able to find it for now." "Why is this happening. I was just in the underground packing to leave to the surface so why am I here on the surface already and where is mt ebott?" "I don't know where you came from but we must find a way to.get you back to your world. You are in a different world."

So does the name ring a bell at all if it does just tell me in the comments below. This is Coolzac12 signing out.

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