chapter 5:warnings

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A few days have passed since the poem that hawk got. They decided that it was a prophesy and tried to decipher it. Although some parts were quite easily deciphered such as the flower and the bird as it was quite obvious that it meant rose and hawk. But portal raised and realities split made no sense whatsoever.

Hawk's pov
Most of the prophecy did not make sense.But I simply had to figure it out. I also needed to figure out what was going on with the others. So that night I jumped in on them and confronted them." What are you guys hiding don't try to lie." They looked guiltilly at me and each one said their part." Travis said"a few days ago I had a nightmare where all of us were in a cauldron with a net on the top which no magic could break and it was starting to boil. It would have killed us all. Slowly one by one each of us fell dead yet when everyone else died I was the only one left when suddenly a shadow laughed and waved her hand. A vision showed me and ling ling enjoying in a sunny field with some children soon I realised that they were our children. "Turn back little hero you stand no chance against me or my minions you can have this or....... you can suffer my wrath."and she disappeared. After that the dream ended." "I had a vision of maleficant as a dragon blowing fire and incinerating everyone. Soon it turned to me and I stood in horror at what it did. It laughed and said "one of your friends will betray you when you least expect it."and with that she blew fire destroying my essence and scattering it all over an abyss. This happened a week ago" Ling ling said who was suddenly interested in her shoes." Mine was about three different pots each with a deadly trap. I started to panic as the room was starting to fill up with water and I didn't know what to do. Soon maleficant appeared,saying"is it fair that your life is so short. Your fate is sealed you will die the most painful way imaginable." Then vanishing in a whirlwind as I started to drown. This happened last monday." Astoria said shivering from the thought." I just heard Astoria's dream I had no dreams like that and apparently neither did joy." But I think  have a pretty good idea who it is who killed Esquire. I thought to myself but I kept quiet." We need to find this mystery person."" Or the mystery person can find you." A voice came from behind us and a shadow step forward to greet us..........

Well thanks for reading enjoy. I took a while to write this so appreciate it. This is Coolzac12 signing out

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