chapter 7: Rose's new powers

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Hawk's pov
So now we know part of more of the prophecy. So we combined it :  on the darkest day, a flower be slain. In toughest battle spy revealed,life shall slowly peel. Life will be knit but realities shall split. Death unleashed portal raised,anger out bird shall raze. Bird of prey fallen down,child of red found in town. Forces joined to defeat the enemy,flower creates to become friendly. Boy with bravery who does not lie,sees man of bones his end may be nigh. It was full of riddles. I thought it was almost did not make sense. I decided that we should prepare ourselves for the next battle with maleficant.

Three days later
Ughh the last thing I remembered was a bolt of magic knocking me out. I heard a groan beside me. I turned to see rose on the ground. We were apparently locked in a magic cage. I tried to use my wand but it still remained as a ball." Don't bother. Your puny ball will stay that way. You don't stand a chance. Since you and your friend are here to die I don't mind giving you a good idea of what I plan to do. I am gathering a monster army they outnumber you one hundred to one. Your friends will be slaughtered."said maleficant before laughing and disappearing. "I wish we weren't stuck in this stupid cage. We can warn the others about what is going to happen." Rose muttered. "Don't worry we will try to get out of this mess." I assured her. She didn't say anything else. I decided it was for the best. It felt like I was trying to convince myself. "I just wish we had the key to this cage. "She said then looked at the floor and looked like she was imagining a key to pop up on the floor. Then ironically and unexpectedly, a key suddenly materialised and dropped to the floor. I was so shocked and so was rose. Then it struck me." I will take the most powerful Cinderella powers." "Rose your special magiv is........creation magic!!!"

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