chapter 6: the 'help'

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Hawk's pov
From the shadows a shape forms was Doreen like the tried-to-make-me-fall-in-love-with-her-but-failed-and-made-me-disappear-instead-Doreen maleficant. But you get the idea. But her here as our help really that wouldn't be my first choice. Then again Malcolm changed so maybe she did as well ? I hope so. "So you are the one who gave us a hand but first we think you owe us an explanation,Doreen.""fine......huff two weeks ago I heard my grandmother's voice in my head she hissed"you will try to change but I can still sense your power and you will serve my purpose." Before I knew it I was out cold and when I awoke I saw the dead bodies of my parents. At first I thought maleficant had killed them but then I saw blood on my hands and I put it together that I had......" she choked up while saying this." Anyways I tried to resist Maleficant's possession but it was too strong and I was overwhelmed. I had enough magic to see what I did. It was I who made rose forget. But I did hear what maleficant say about the spy however I was not the spy. Maybe it would have been too obvious so she used someone in this room. After a while I managed to resist the possession and was freed from it. I soon had the power to see the future and make prophecies about them. I sent you the dream but I can't say what it means. It will shatter this dimension. This info is meant to be kept secret. That was only the first part you have to know the second." She closed her eyes and when they opened they were filled with light. Bird of prey fallen down,child of red found in town. Forces joined to defeat the enemy,flower creates to become friendly. Boy with bravery who does not lie,sees man of bones his end may be nigh.

Sooooo how is it leave in the comments section below. Hope you enjoyed this is coolzac12 signing out

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