chapter 13:the resurrection

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Hawk's pov
All my hope, my love ,my life. Everything is gone because of a stupid arrow. I just wish I could revive her see that smile again. I guess that's what they mean by "win the battle and lose everything,joy and victory seem like nothing." But now it is too late to realise that. Doreen stepped towards me. "I know how it feels to have your loved ones killed and I may have a solution." She said soothingly. I looked at her wild eyed. "Really you can?" "I might be able to. I tried to do this to my parents but they were too large and I fainted from exhaustion. Also a rip in time and space opened up a portal to where I don't know. It took a conveniently shaped lamp and disappeared. It could go anywhere and anytime. If not it will tear up the world. So are you sure you want to risk the world for this."............" yes I would take the risk but I will go in the portal I will see you guys later and don't worry about me I will be fine. Promise to lead them while I am gone." "Okay hawk but we need all the magic we can get from one other we need to hold hands." "May I lend assistance ?"joy appeared out of nowhere. "You! You started all this why should we listen to you." "I really am sorry I acted rashly after she killed Esquire." "Fine but we will let you but I would let rose forgive you." We held hands and magic flowed through us and we poured into rose." Soon I started to feel tired both from my battle and this resurrection. But I kept going. Once Doreen was done she fell weakly onto the floor." Your welcome. She is alive but we need to let her rest she is in a death spell bind and the teachers can take it from here." A portal opened and was starting to suck in everything. "Well tell rose everything that happened. I will see you one day." I said before jumping into the portal. I saw a light of a rainbow flashing around me and I reappeared falling down a deep hole there is no way I will survive. But as I blacked out from the speed I fell down it slowed down and landing in a bed of golden flowers.

Well it was nice writing this however it is not done yet so be patient. Well do you know where hawk went if you do great if not well you will have to wait for a while. This is Coolzac12 signing out.

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