chapter 3: explanations

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Hawk's pov
"What is with joy?""we are not too sure the only thing that we do know is that one day she just went out to eat a snack*cough cough flies cough*and came back with I don't think we should say it here."walked about 1 mile then stopped and said"a dead Esquire frog." My heart felt like ice and a cold terror seized my heart." Does she know who it is?"I asked." She probably does but dies not want to say. And she gets all snappy when we ask her about it.""that was harsh." Though I can't help but wonder."" Never mind we should focus on defeating maleficant and finding out the power that Rose has." And we walked back. As we walked back we passed the school. It was a weekend and you would at least expect a lot of noise but it was quiet way too quiet. We looked through a shop window and a person was very very veeeeeeerry slowly moving her hand towards a shelf. Time had slowed down. Maleficant had made a spell that made time slow down. But why weren't we affected." We had better tell the others about it." "Agreed" we rush back to see three very slow agnes, arnold and chloe. Rotten apples now some of our friends are also slowed. I cursed. Rose asked what was happening. I told her that someone most likely maleficant slowed down time however it did not affect us." I think that our magic is creating a small barrier around us and since the time magic's radius is large the magic is weaker and thus our magic is blocking the time magic."explains Astoria." Ummmmm say that again"Travis said."sigh our magic is a force field against the magic.""thanks" and now we were determined to beat maleficant. But first let's get ready for an attack just in case. We made a makeshift bunker and enchanted shields around it. We are prepared. We will beat you maleficant. And nothing will get in our way.

Thx for reading this chapter my ideas are flourishing and I have a clear view of things. I think you think you might know who is the spy but hold it. The others have their own story. This is Coolzac12 signing out

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