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Justin's POV
I walk up to the new school that I have to go this is going to be hard beacuse it's not the first day of school well it is for me but Im starting in the middle of the school year. I walk in and there is people everywhere. Everyone is so big and tall and I'm scrawny and short I follow the sign to the main office to get my books and my schedule.

I walk out the office with my stuff and look at my schedule while walking and then I got pushed. To the ground

"Watch where your goin". I look up and see a tall boy with dark brown hair wearing a leather jacket he kicks one of my books and walks away I get on my knees and start gathering my stuff and someone starts to help me. I look at his face and he looked at me he looks just like the guy from before but he's wearing different clothes and he has light brown hair.

"Sorry about that my brother isn't the nicest person". He says as we stand up.
"I'm Wilder" he says holding his hand out.

"I'm Justin" I said shaking his hand

"You're new aren't you"

"Yes" I answer

"Maybe I can help where you headed". I give him my schedule and he looks at it

"Cool I have first period with you and you wanna drop these off at your locker". He said reffing to the books

"Um yes" I said nervously


After we put my books in my locker he takes to first period biology. We walk and there are a few people sitting down.

"You can sit next to me if you want"

"Ok" I agreed

the bell rang and the rest of the students came in and so did the teacher.

"Alright class as we've been talking about the partner projects start today I will give you 5 minutes to find a partner and if you can't I will pick them for you"

"You wanna be my partner". Wilder said smiling at me

"Um sure"

"Wilder be my partner". Someone yelled from across the room

"No I'm gonna work with him" he said reffing to me

"No it's ok you can work with him"

"I want to work with you"


The bell rang and that class period was over and it's time for second.

"So do you wanna come over after school to work on the project"

"Um yes what time"

"Right after school"

"Ok um should I give you my number"

"Yeah". We exchanged numbers and went our separate ways.


The rest of the day was alright I talked to a few other people but didn't really make friends exept for Wilder. And speaking of him here he comes.

"Hey were you going". He asked stopping me

"To lunch"

"Um lunch is this way" he said pointing the direction he was walking witch is the opposite direction I was going. I looked at him embarrassed.
"I'll walk you". He said laughing.
"How was your day so far"

"It was alright"

"Make any other friends"

"Um I talked to some other people but not really"

"I have a question" seems like he's been asking me questions since we met.
"Why'd you start school so late"

"Well I used to live with my mom on the other side of town and now I live with my dad"

"Oh ok"

"Is it just you and your dad"

"Yeah well and his wife" did y'all know Justin actually has a step mom in real life

"No siblings"

"They live with my you're a twin"


"Me too"

"Are you really"

"Yeah but we're fraternal".

"As you saw raegan and I are identical". Raegan I like that name

We walked into the cafeteria and went to a table with boys and a girl

"Justin this is kale, jack, Nathan, raegan and his girlfriend chloe." They all smiled and said hi excpet for raegan he rolled his eyes.

"Why did you bring him" raegan asked annoyed

"Because he's new and doesn't have other friends yet". I don't understand why raegan doesn't like me Ive never even spoken to him.


"So you'll follow me home". Wilder asked


"Alright I'll see you later".

I walked to my dad's car cause he was picking me up.

"How was school" he asked

"It was alright can you take me to a friend's house"

"Sure who is this friend"

"He's just someone I have to do a biology project with"


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