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Justin's POV

"I'm breaking up with you Justin"

"Wait what". I say in tears

"You heard me I don't wanna be with you anymore"

"Why what did I do"

"You'd rather hang out with Bryce than me it's pretty clear that y'all two like each other so go to him"

"No raegan i don't like Bryce in that way I only like you I promise" I say crying

"It's ok Justin I can see the way you look at him it's kinda the way you used to look at me you don't give me those looks anymore..I know this is partly my fault cause I pushed you away and for those two days and you hung out  with Bryce but it's ok I promise"

"No raegan please I do not want Bryce I love you and only you" I say holding on to him

"I love you too Justin" he says hugging me "but I'm letting you go" he says taking his hands off me "good bye Justin Blake"

And that's it he walks out of my house I instantly fall to the ground crying loud and hard I've never cried or felt like this before my chest hurt this must be what it feels like to have a broken heart.

Something told me not to date raegan but I was hypnotized by his charm and good looks something told me he would break my heart this is all my fault if I would not had started hanging out with Bryce I would still have the love of my life with me. But I don't we walk out of my life he left me here crying alone he left me broken and hurting. He he

"JUSTIN" I hear someone yell shaking me awake

"What" I say I'm in my room with a shirtless raegan on top of me.

"You were having a bad dream" he says whiping my tears

"Oh raegan" I say hugging him "it was awful"

"What was babe"

"You left me you broke up with me out of no where" I say crying

"Oh Justin I could never leave you I love you too much" he says kissing my cheek "come I'll run you a bath and after that we can go get something to eat". I smile and he gets off of me.

I take a deep breath it was all a dream.

Book is over now I hope you enjoyed it even though it was kinda crap towards the last few chapters but new book coming soon....PEACE!!!!

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