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Justin's POV
It's Saturday right now I'm getting ready to go to the beach with Raegan. I'm really exited cause I love swimming.

I put on blue and grey swim trunks and white huff shirt. I put extra clothes in my backpack and went downstairs to wait for him to pick me up. I sat in the couch for about 5 minutes.

Then I heard him honk. I smiled and got off the couch and walked out to his car.

"Hey" he says leaning over the center consul and kissing me. "So you sure you want to go to the beach"

"Yes I'm sure"

"Ok um we should go eat first"

"Ok" I nodded smiling.

We decided on some fast food places. We ordered and of course he payed I offered to pay but he wouldn't let me.

We got to the beach and there wasn't too many people. We found a spot to out all of our stuff. I took my shirt off and put it in my backpack. I stood up and took my shoes off then I looked at raegan and he still had his shirt and shoes on.

"Aren't you going to to take you're shirt and shoes off" I asked him.

"Oh yeah" he smiled. He slowly began to take his shirt off. Then his shoes.

"You ready". He nodded yes. We walked to the shore line.

I walked in the water until the water reached my calfs I I turned back and raegan. He barley had his toes in the water.

"Come in babe". He looked at me when down at the water. "What's wrong". I said walking back to him.

"Nothing" he smiled

"Yeah there is what is it"

"I'm afraid if water" he said looking down

"What do you mean" I asked confused

"I can't swim"

"You can't swim" I asked surprised

"No" he said embarrassed

"Why didn't you tell me I would have suggested something else"

"You wanted to go swimming so badly..I didn't want to disappoint you".

"Awww baby you wouldn't have disappointed me...we could do something else if you want"

Raegans POV
I looked around at the other people in the water I guess I could try to get it but I probably won't go passed my thighs.

"I think I wanna try"

"Are you sure you don't have too"

"I want to"

"Ok" Justin nodded

I grabbed his hand and took a deep breath and we started walking in the water. I felt the cold water on my legs I bit my lip nervously.

The water was up to my knees and a little passed justins.

"I think k this is deep enough". I said grabbing justins arm.

"Ok" he nodded.

The waves we're violent the cold water splashed against my lower stomach I lifted my arms a little so they wouldn't get wet. Justin walked out deeper now the water was up to his hips.

Be stood there letting the water hit him then he bent his knees so the water was at his middle stomach he stood back up and  dive into a wave.

He came back up and wipped his eyes. Now the water is up to his shoulders.

"Come back" I yelled

"Come to me" he yelled back. I shook my head no. Justin went back under water and cane back up and he was closer too me. Then went back under. And he was colser. He did that one last time until he was standing directly in front of me.

His hair was wet and he had water droplets on his skin his eyes were red. He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me down to him I put both my hands on his lower back. He pressed his pink lips onto mine he kissed for about five seconds then I pulled away.

"Salt water doesn't taste good"I smiled he smiled back. Then he pulled me back into the kiss.

Sorry this is late but yeah and should I do a get to know me or nah let me know....PEACE!!!!

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