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Justin's POV
Raegan went home after our long make out session. I really hope I can trust him and he won't do anything like that again.

Now there's only one more thing to do and that is to tell Bryce nothing will ever happen between him and i. We aren't dating but we've been acting like it for the past 2days.

I walk in school and see raegan at my locker I go up to him and hug him standing on my tippy toes.

"Justin" I hear I look over and see Bryce

"I'll meet up with you later" I say to raegan. I try walking away but raegan stops me and starts kissing me I pull away and hes giving Bryce a death stare.

"Stop" I say to him

I walk over to Bryce and raegan walks away.

"I thought you guys broke up"

"We did but he came over last night and apologized and we're back together"

"So you and i it ends here"

"Yeah I'm sorry" he nods his head and bites his lip and walks away. I didn't mean to hurt him.

I feel bad I didn't mean to upset Bryce I should have never kissed him I feel horrible.

*Time skip*

"What's wrong Justin" raegan says as he lays on his bed.

"Nothing" I say playing with my fingers. As I stand at the edge of his bed

"Yeah there is what is" he says coming to me and he wraps his arm around me. As I stand there and he sits

"I just kinda feel bad for Bryce"

"Feel bad about what"

"I hurt him..I hurt his feelings"

"But what do you feel bad about you want me not him" he says gently rubbing my ass

"Rae stop" I whine removing his hands "I'm being serious" I add

"Ok ok" he smiles rolling his eyes.

He pulls me down to his lap so I'm straddling him. He hugs me so I hug back then he starts kissing my neck.

"Would you be mad if I wanted to be his friend". He stops kissing me and looks at me

"No I guess not you have the right to choose your friend"

"Great" I say getting off his lap

"What are you doing" he ask

"I'm gonna text him and see if he wants to hang out after school". I looked him with my phone in my hand.

"That's ok right" I ask

"Yeah sure"

I went back on my phone and texted Bryce.

Me: Hey Bryce he read it and it took him a minute to answer

Bryce: hey

Me: Do you wanna hang out tomorrow

Bryce: I don't know if that's a good idea Justin

Me: Why i responded

Bryce: Because you're dating raegan and I kinda have a crush on you

Me:I know but I still want to be your friend and and raegan is ok with it

Bryce: I don't know it'll be hard to be around you knowing I can't have you

Me: can you try

Bryce: I guess I could raegan is ok with this right

Me: yes

Bryce: ok then we can try

Me: ok great I'll see you tomorrow

Bryce: bye Justin

"We are doing something together tomorrow" I say smiling bat raegan

"Great" he said sarcastically

So sorry this took so long I'm on winter break now so I should be able to update more I just need some ideas let me know

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