we were just having fun

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Justins POV
Being with raegan had been great I love being with him I love calling him mine.
I'm driving to school. And then my phone dings. I was at a stop light so I look at it it was a snap chat from one of of my friends inviting me to a party I don't really like partys so I'm probably not going.

I arrive at school and walk in and see raegan surrounded by a couple of girls I didn't think k much of it. He looked at me and gave me a half smile.

I was confused usually he would come up and kiss me but he didn't. I call his name and he looks at me again and walks over to me.

"Yes" he says smiling

"Why didn't you come over to me when you saw me"

"I don't know" he srugged "you going to the party tonight"

"No you know I don't like partys"

"So I'm going" he says

"No I don't want to and I thought we could do something tonight"

"Like what"

"I don't you could come over"

"I'll come over after the party" he says kissing my cheek and walking away.

"Ok" i said I don't even think he heard me.


Raegans been really distance today and every time I see him he's talking to a new girl. It's like we're not even dating.

"Raegan" I say as we walks out of the school


"Are you ok"

"Yeah why"

"You didn't talk to me all day"

"I didn't see you" he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Ok and where were you at lunch"

"I was with Kylie"

"Who is Kylie" I asked confused

"This girl I meet she is so hot"

"What" I said angry

"Whats wrong with you"

"Whats wrong with me what's wrong with you you're supposed to be my boyfriend-"

"Whoa boyfriend" he said cutting me off "when did I agree to that"

"When you asked me out" I said still upset

"Oh sorry I didn't make things clear but I don't wanna be tied down.. I thought we were just having fun sorry for the confusion". He said walk away

I can't believe him

Whoops I haven't updated in forever sorry....PEACE

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