like i said..hes yours

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Justins POV
Raegan left about an hour ago I really like raegan and that's kinda wired to say but I do I like him. But if Wilder says he's not comfortable with us dating I will not date him.

Wilders my best friend and I haven't been acting like his best friend.

"Hey" I say to wilder. He looks at me confused.

"I'm Wilder" he says closing his locker.

"I know"

"You're talk to me now".

"I know Ive been a jerk and I'm sorry"

"It's ok you've been busy with my brother"

"You mad"

"No I'm glad you guys are getting along how did he ask"

"Ask what" I asked confused

"How did he ask you out"

"Oh he didn't well he did but I declined"

"Why I thought you liked him"

"I do I just wanted to make sure you were ok with us dating"

"Justin it's ok you like him and he likes you"

"I just wanted to make suee"

"He's all yours"

"Thanks Wilder" i said hugging him

"No problem"

Wilders POV

"I miss you he should do something after school" Justin says still hugging me.

"Like all three of us"

"No just you and i"

"Yeah we can do something".

It might be hard seeing Justin and raegan together but I want my brother and best friend to be happy.

I look and see raegan looking at us he points to Justin I guess he wants to talk to him.

"Raegan wants you" he turns around and walks to raegan and hugs him I see Justin nod his head saying yes and then they hug. Thier officiall a couple. Not sure how I feel yet I'll give it a few days until I actually feel some type of way.

End of the day

"So what'd you have planned" I ask as Justin and I sit in my car.

"I didn't plane anything"

"Um so you just wanna go back to my house"

"No raegan will be there I wanna give you all my attention..we can go to my house"


Ive been at Justin's house for about 2 hours and we've just been talking and laughing.

"No I don't remember" I say laughing

"You don't remember hitting your head"


"Well I guess you hit it really hard"

" Where were we again"

"At the park"

"No I don't remember...I missed you". I said still laughing a little.

"I missed you too" he smiled.

Buzz buzz

Justin's phone vibrated. He grabbed it and smiled at it.

"Who's that"

"Raegan" he said still smiling at his phone. I waited for him to get off his phone which took like 15 minutes. And by that time I had to go home.

"It's uh getting late Justin" I started. He did answer. "I'm gonna go".

"Ok bye" he said still texting raegan.

This is gonna be a hard adjustment.


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