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Justins POV
I love being with raegan we've been together for a month I don't know if it's too early but I love him I really really do. Hes amazing and he cares he truly cares Ive never felt love like this before. But it's great.

Right now we're at his house on the couch watching TV were sitting normal he just has his arm around me.

"Justin" he mumbles. I look up at him and his phone is pointed at me.

"Ewww Rae stop" I said covering my face

"No uncover your face"

"No turn the camera off". I whined

"Ok it's off". I spread my fingers so all was showing was my eye and the camera was still on.

"No it's not". I whine

"Ok I did for real this time". I Peaked again and he really did turn it off. I removed my hands from my hands and he leaned down to kiss me.

"I should take you somewhere"

"What do you mean"

"I should take you on a date"


"Yeah you don't wanna go anywhere"

"No sounds fun". I say in a reassuring way.

"Are you sure we dont have too"

"No I want to"

"Ok what ever you want to do". I think for a moment I don't know where I wanna go or what I wanna do.

"I don't know"

"Think of something baby it's your call"

"Can we go to the beach" his eyes widened and his smile faded. "What's wrong" I asked sitting up.

"Nothing" he said shaking his head smiling "are you sure you want to go to the beach"

"Yeah why" .

"Just making sure" . I smile at him and he gives me a faint one we go back to watching TV.

"Big brother" we hear with a door slam. Then Wilder comes into view.

"I need to talk to you" raegan says standing up.

Raegans POV.

"What do you wanna talk about" Wilder says as we walk into the kitchen.

"Justin wants to go in a beach date"

"You're fucked" he giggles.

"It's not funny you know I can't swim"

"Then how did this happen"

"I asked Justin where we wants to go for a date and he said the beach"

"You better learn to swim"

"No I'm not getting into he water im terrified".

"You'll be fine just don't go past your thighs".

"Ok I'll do that"

Long over due sorry....PEACE!!!

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