i want him...i think

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Raegan's POV
Why did I do that I love Justin why did I have to tell him we were just having fun I want him to be mine I only want him no one else. But there's no way he'll take me back unless Wilder can convince him to give me another chance no Wilder told me I had one time to hurt him and that's it. But he has too he has too help me get Justin back I love him I need him.

I walk down the hall and I can faintly hear him playing his piano he was really good at play classical music it would play for me when I was upset.

I knocked on his door interrupting his play. I heard his walk to the door and he opened it.

"What do want" he said angrily

"Why are you mad at me I haven't even said anything yet"

"You haven't said anything to me but you have to Justin" danm he knows already "you said you wouldn't hurt him you said you really liked him-"

"I do really like him I love him infact"

"They why would you say that stuff to him" he yelled

"I don't know" I yelled " i-i don't know why I said that to him he makes me so happy you don't understand how much I care for this boy...please help me I need him".

Wilder looks at me I can see the regret on his face for what he it going to say next.

" raegan you hurt him once you're not going to do it again right"

"Right" I say with confidence.

"Fine I'll help you"


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