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Justin's POV
I woke up the next morning smiling about what happened yesterday with Bryce I didn't feel discusted or weird that we kissed. I felt pretty good. My phone rang and it was Wilder.


"I'm so sorry any you and raegan he's a jerk". Wilder started

"I know but it's ok I'm ok"

"Are you sure" he asked

"Yes" I replied now that I think about it I should have made Wilder the rebound and not Bryce..oh well

"Ok just making sure call if you wanna talk"

"Ok" I said hanging up.

It's 7:30 school starts at 8:30 I should probably get ready. I get dressed.


I walk in the building feeling pretty good and of course that doesn't last.

"What's wrong with you" raegan yells as he pushes me against the lockers

"What are you talking about" I said pressed against the lockers.

"You kissed Bryce". He knows

"How do you know and why does it matter". I say taking his hands off me.

"Why would you kiss him" is he serious

"You broke up with me remember and don't forget you kissed someone else too" I yelled back. He backed up and lowly growled. Then Bryce came up to us.

"What's going on" he ask as raegan and I death stare at each other.

"Keep your hands off him" he says in Bryce's face.

"You broke his heart". I get in between them and push them away. Raegan clenches his jaw and walks away.

He goes to the other side if the hallway and went and kissed the girl from the party with his eyes open looking at me That's how he wants to play ok then. I turn to Bryce and start making out with him using our tongues. And making it noticable that we are using our tongues.

He stopped kissing the girl and walked away and I stopped kissing Bryce. Raegan is so confusing he doesn't know what he wants he needs to figure it out before I change my mind.


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