he likes you

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Justin's POV
I've been talking to Wilder for a few days now and he is so sweet we spend all our time together. The only bad part is raegan is still mean to me I just try to ignore it.

"I think we're done" Wilder says as he puts the last thing on our project


"It's been fun hanging out with you Justin I like being with you"

"I like being with you too"

"I really like being with you" he says leaning into kiss me. I don't know if I like Wilder in that way. I don't know if I wanna kiss him.
My body isn't moving away so I guess I want him to kiss me.

His warm lips connect with mine my eyes automatically close and my lips move with his. I pulled away he smiled at me I blushed and put my head down he put his finger under my chin and lifted my head up trying to kiss me again. But of course raegan came in.

"Wild your-". He stops and looks at us and Wilder and I move away from each other
"You guys would make an ugly couple" he says and walks out.

"Sorry". He says scooting to me

"It's fine..I should get going anyway"I said standing up.


He walked me to the front door and cupped my face with both hands and peaked my lips.

"Bye Wilder"



I get out of my dad's car I would have drove myself but my dad insisted of him driving me.

I walk in the school and go to my locker and Wilder wasn't there waiting like he usually is. So I waited for him. And he never came the bell rang now I have to go to class.

"Justin" I hear I turn around and see Raegan. I roll my eyes and kept walking. "Justin wait"

"What raegan"

"Wild isn't coming today and we wants me to drive you to my house after school"

"Why isn't he here"

"I don't know he didn't feel like coming I guess"

"Thanks for the offer but I'll find a different way to your house". I said turning away

"Wait I'm sorry for being a jerk, just let me drive you"

"Ok..now can I go now"

"Yeah see you after school"

After school

I walk to the door and there's raegan waiting for me.

"There you are" he says putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Why is your arm around me"


"Well I dont want people to think you and I are dating" I said taking his arm off me

"Why I'm not ugly"

"I didn't say you were"

"So you think I'm hot"

"I didn't say that either"

"So am I ugly or hot"

"Can we just go"

"Sure" he smiles putting his arm around me again

We get in his car and the first thing he does is pull out a green and white box and pulls out a orange and white stick . Why must all the bad boys smoke? I ask myself.
I watched him as he lit it.

"Want one" he asked handing me the box


"Alright" he said putting the box back.

We drove in silence.

"So you and my brother" he says breaking the silence

"What about us"

"You guys spend all your time together and y'all kissed yesterday"

"No we didn't". I lied

"Yeah ya did"

"No" I denied again

"So you guys just had your faces that close together for no reason"

"Well um"

"You guys kissed" I sighed and looked at my lap "Don't be embarrassed he's not ugly I should know he looks just like me"

"So you think your brothers hot"

"I didn't say that"

"You didn't not say it"

"Anyway you like him"

"I don't know"

"Then why'd you kiss him"

"I wasn't trying to he just leanded in and kisses me I froze up"

We pulled up to his house and got out the car.

"I don't think wild is here right now we can go to my room until he comes back"

"Your room" I ask nervous

"Yeah is there something wrong with my room"

"no" i said in a rehashing way

"ok follow me".

we walked into raegans room and wilder was right black everyway exept for the trans flag on his wall and the other gay things he had. his room is definitely not as clean as wilders.

"sit" he said throwing the shirt that was on the chair

"So your trans" he says sitting across from me

"Aww now your interested"

"I said sorry for being rude"

"Well why were you so rude"

"I don't know I'm just not good at meeting new people and you kinda make me nervous nope let me stop right there you're wilders boy"

"Wilders boy no I'm not"

"That's your contact name in his phone...and he calls you his"

"Well I'm not his"

"He really likes you" raegan says sitting back in his chair looking at his lap

"I kinda figured that when he kissed me"

"Oh yeah". He smilled still with his head down

"I don't know what to do I don't like him in that way"

"Raegan" we hear someone yell and then the door opens

"Hey baby brother"

"Hey why is Justin in here". He asks confused

"Well you weren't home yet so I just said he could hang in here until you came back"

"Well I'm back.. come on Justin". I actually didn't want to leave raegan. I got up and looked back at raegan and walked out his room.

"So y'all are friends now"

"Yeah" I chuckled "I guess so"


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