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Justin's POV
My dad drops me off at wilders house there house is really nice it's big I knock on the door and Wilder answers.

"Welcome Justin". He says throwing his arms in the air. "Come in". He moves out of the way and I walk in.

"Your house is really pretty". I say quietly

"Why thank you I'll give you a tour later follow me to my room". I follow him up the  long spiraled stair case to his room.

His room is blinding literally everything is white.

"You can sit in the setting area over there" he pointed to some chairs and a table by a big window.

"Why the color white" I ask sitting in a chair that looks like a bowl.

"Because white represent purity and when I was little I was always the good child and raegan on the other hand was never a good kid I guess the color white grew on me"

"So raegans room is-"

"Black black and more black I was always dressed in white and raegan in black we like it that way....what about you and your twin"

"What about us"

"You guys have a thing"

"Um he's emo in not"

We work on the project for a good hour talking about random stuff what we like and dislike I looked over on his white dresser and saw a trans button is Wilder trans.

"What's that for" I ask pointing to the trans button

"Oh it's raegans trans button. He says walking over to grab it

"He's trans"

"Yeah he very open about it he has a couple of trans stuff in his room he must have left it in here"

"Wanna know a secret" I say standing up


"I'm trans too". Wilder looks me up and down

"No you're not"

"Yes I am" I laugh

"Really you pass so we'll"

"Thank you I do try"

"Are you on T"

"Yeah a little over a year and I got top surgery"

"That's really cool raegans like 2 years on T and has both surgeries" speaking of raegan we walks in

"Wild can I borrow your-". He looks up from his phone and looks at us "Really you brought him"

"Stop be nice" Wilder snaps "Rae did you know Justin is trans"

"Really" he ask smiling "I don't care I need to use your charger"

"Gees raegan you could be nice sometimes". He says handing him is charger.

"Thanks baby brother" he says taking the charger.

"I'm sorry about him he'll lighten up eventually"

"It's ok I was never well like by people"

"Really how come your so nice and funny and cute"

"Thanks". I blush

"We can continue this tomorrow if you want it's getting late...we should work at your house tomorrow"

"Ok". I grab my bag and we walk down stairs

"Goodnight Justin" Wilder says hugging me

"Good night" I hugged back. I walked out to my dad's car and got in.

"Why are so smiley" I didn't even realize I was smiling.


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