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Justin's POV
I walked in school still upset about what happened yesterday. I didn't want to come to school but I have too. I go to my locker and I guess saddnes is written on my face. Because someone asked me what wrong.

"Nothing" I replied

"Are you sure" he asked. He was cute I've seen him a few times I think

"Yes" I nodded

"Hey you go out with raegan right". I sighed

"Um no I guess not"

"I thought y'all were together"

"It's complicated...why do you ask"

"Because I saw him making out with some girl". As soon as he said that my heart skipped a beat and I started to get hot and my eyes watered

"Oh" I said trying not to cry "well we broke up so"

"Since y'all broke up I'm having a party should come"

"I don't even know your name" I chuckled

"I'm Bryce". He said holding his hand out

"I'm Justin".

"You should give me your number". I nodded and gave him my number we said goodbye and went our own ways.

*Time skip*

Bryce texted me his address and I drove to his house I didn't really care for party's but I was hoping this would get my mind off of raegan.

I pull up to his house and the door is open I can hear the music and see people inside and outside his house, his house is big it's really nice. I get out of my car and walk in I can smell the alcohol and the drugs. The music is very loud.

I walk around and see a couple people I know but I didn't talk to them because I wouldn't consider them friends.

Danm his house is big it feels like I've been walking for ever. I go into a room and it's pretty quit all you hear is low music the sound of people talking and the sound of balls hitting each other from the pool table.

"Justin" I hear someone say. I look over and see Bryce sitting on a couch with a couple of people.

"Hey" I say walking to him

"Everyone this is Justin, Justin everyone" he says reffering to the people on the couch with him.

"Hang tight guys I'm gonna show Justin around" he says standing up hold a red Solo cup.

"You want something to drink or eat"

"No I'm fine thanks" I say as we walk back into the living room with everyone else. I look around and see raegan kissing a girl. I gasped.

"I'm sorry Justin" Bryce said putting his hand on my shoulder. I watched them make out I froze up. "Come on" he says taking my hand and taking me outside.

He closes the slide door to the backyard. I stand there with my arms cross trying not to cry not looking at him. I failed a tear came down I quickly whipped it.

"Justin" he said pulling me to him and hugging me. I cried in his arms I'm so angry at raegan I really want to tell him how I feel. But I can't.

Raegan doesn't care about me like I thought he did he doesn't care about anyone. He doesn't care about me I shouldn't care about him. I don't know why I did this but I pulled away from the hugging still holding Bryce.

I looked him in the eyes he did the same I looked from his lips to his eyes I didn't want to kiss him but something told me to. I put my hand on the back of his neck and he quickly cupped my face and pulled me up to his lips my lips met his. My lips moved with his.

He took one hand off my face and put it on my lower waist and pulled me closer to him. At this moment I didn't care about raegan I didn't  care about how bad I would feel about making out with someone I just met hours ago. The only thing I cared about was kissing this boys soft lips and getting my anger out by aggressively by kissing his lips. And wrestling with his tongue.

As the kiss dialed down he bit my lip softly raegan never did this it felt good I moaned I felt him smile his teeth let go of my bottom lip we looked at each other I bit my lips and blushed putting my head down he lifted my head up and pecked my lips one last time.

Whoa haven't been on here in awhile I'm so sorry ivebbeen so busy with theater, school, and now I'm on the basket team at school and I'm in two plays at the same time. But I'm trying to get back into this. But anyway happy Thanksgiving everyone....PEACE!!!!

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