~chapter 1~

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My name is Stefanie Salvatore, daughter of Elena Gilbert and Damon Salvatore. My parents are pretty well known when it comes to supernaturals. My mother was both a doppelgänger and vampire, now human, obviously. My father also used to be a vampire and is now human. They, along with my aunts and uncles, fought Katherine Pierce, the Originals, heretics, the actual devil himself, and more. I attend Mystic Falls high school and I'm 16 years old.

Unlike half the kids in this town, I am just a plain old human. No powers handed down, no mirror image of me walking around the street, no immortality.

Don't get me wrong, I am glad I'm human, I mean, the most I have to worry about is passing high-school and finding a job. I would much rather be doing that than fighting monsters and having several near death experiences per day. But sometimes, I wonder what it was like for my mother and father years ago. To have the power, the heightened emotions. God, if it wasn't for my fathers immortality and meeting my mother after 100 something years of living, I wouldn't even exist right now.

The Salvatore School used to be my fathers old home. Isn't that crazy that my dad gave away his mansion, just for it to be turned into a school for the "gifted"? I mean, my uncle Stefan had part in it too, May he Rest In Peace. I wonder what he was like, my uncle. My mom talks about him all the time, she tells me how good of a man he was and how he would always put others before himself. She says that me and him have a lot in common. I bet we would have gotten along.

Anyways, my dads friend, Alaric, used to run the school before the students basically voted him to be fired. The fact that students actually had a say in kicking him out is something I'm still trying to understand. But what confused me even more is that apparently, there was a mystery vote that nobody will claim they did. Besides the fact, Ric made the school for his daughters, Josie and Lizzie. They are siphoners, they basically can only use magic when they absorb power from something. I've met them before but since I'm not some kind of supernatural being, I honestly don't talk to them much. There's a bunch of other kids at the school but they are all the same. There's only Vampires, witches, wolfs, and one Phoenix (long story).

Ric works at Mystic Falls High-school now as the principle. I'll go by and talk to him occasionally. I feel bad for the guy. He basically lost his girls and home. That school has moved a long way since he started it. When I visit him in his office he's usually alone, drowning a bourbon. Very principle-like of him. But today was different, he wasn't alone.

"Hey Ric, do you know if my da-" I stop midway through my sentence before I see a girl sitting at Alaric's desk.

From my current view I only see the back of her red/brown hair. She turns around to face me and stares at me like a deer in the headlights. I've never seen her before but somehow, something about her seems familiar.

"Oh hey Stefanie, this is our new student, Hope Marshall. Do you mind showing her around the school today?" Alaric's looks at me. I think he's thinking the same thing I am but he brushes it off and smiles.

"Uh, yea sure" I say, looking over at, Hope. Marshall. Where have I heard Marshall from?

We leave Ric's room and start to roam the halls.

"I'm Stefanie by the way, it's nice to meet you" I say, trying to lessen the awkward silence.

"Uh, yea, nice to meet you too. I'm-" she stops for a second, deep in thought. "I'm Hope" she smiles.

"Where are you from? If you don't mind me asking" I question. Was she someone my parents knew? Maybe she's from here and was homeschooled or something.

"I am actually from New Orleans" she says hesitantly. Well, there goes my guess.

"Oh wow. I heard New Orleans is a really, really lively place." I laugh and look over at Hope.

"Yea, yea it's really amazing actually. I miss it a lot" she smiles but it quickly fades.

"Well maybe someday you can take me. I've never been. " I look at her, trying to lift her spirit a bit.

She stares at me for a minute like she's trying to tell me something through her eyes. The bell rings which causes her to look away.

"So where are we heading to first?" She says.

"I believe it's History. Fun fact, Alaric" I pause for a second "I mean, principle Saltzman used to teach history here" I always forget that I can't just call him Alaric to students.

"No way" Hope laughs and we enter class together.

"So how did you like your first day at Mystic Falls High?" I ask Hope as we walk out of the building.

Hope stops for a second, looking back at the school.

"Honestly, I thought it was gonna be worse" she grins. She seems to be distracted, she looks around as if she's trying to find someone, or something.

"Hey, do you maybe wanna hang at my house later today?" I smile. I never bring someone over to my house but I had a good feeling about her. She seems kind and not for nothing, maybe I could figure out why she seems so familiar.

She looked out into the distance for a second before turning her head the front doors of the school. "I wish I could today but, I um, I'm busy."

"Oh yea, for sure that's okay. Maybe another day" I smiled and brushed it off.

"Yea.. I forgot something in my locker but, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Hope started walking back to the school quickly.

"Um alright, see ya!" I say a bit loud since she's already pretty far. I wonder what in her locker is so urgent she's basically running from me. Huh.
Since Hope was busy, I ended up taking a walk around the town. I didn't bother going home, I knew neither of my parents would be there until late at night. With my moms medical clinic and my dad owing his bar, they rarely were home during the day.

The day went by fast and before I knew it, I was sitting on a park bench at night. I was listening to music in my earbuds when what looked like  tinker bells pixie dust (random I know, but how else would I explain it??) was floating around in the sky. I took my earbuds out and turned around to see Hope standing there, staring at me.

We didn't say anything to each other, just looked. Once we kicked back into reality, she just smiled and walked away. The weird pixie dust soon faded, but something didn't sit right with me. And knowing what I know from my parents past, I had a strong feeling there was much more to Hope Marshall than she was leading on. And I was gonna find out what she was hiding.


I hope y'all enjoyed the first chapter to this book! It is my first book so I apologize for any mistakes.

Also I know that technically Stefanie Salvatore would be much younger compared to Hope with all the year gaps in the shows, but let's pretend they are closer in age loll.

I plan on updating weekly, but if that changes I'll be sure to keep y'all updated!!

Much love <3

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