~chapter 6~

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"Stefanie, I want you to meet Raf," Hope says and points to a tall boy in front of us. "He's a new wolf. He came here with Landon a few nights ago." She smiles.

"Hello," I say to Raf and he lightly smiles. He seems tense. I can tell he is unsure about the whole supernatural school idea. "You're going to love it here, trust me." I reassure him.

"How long have you been here for?" He asks me curiously.

"Oh, no-" Hope and I both say. I let out a light laugh and she lets me continue.

"I'm human, I don't go here. I just come around a lot to hang out with Hope, mostly." I explain. "But don't worry, I'm here pretty often, so you'll have a familiar face." I smile at Raf.

"I'd like that very much" He smiles.

We look at each other for a moment and then I feel a sharp pain on my neck.

"Ouch." I say. I bring my hand to where I felt the pain.

When I look at my hand, it's covered in blood. I look at Hope nervously and soon enough, I see Mg staring at me. His veins under his eyes begin to show and his fangs slowly follow. He vamp speeds towards me and I close my eyes and prepare myself for what comes next.


When I opened my eyes, I expected to see a bright light, or maybe even Uncle Stefan. But instead, I was met with my bedroom ceiling. I turn off my alarm and sit up. That was a horrible nightmare. But also somewhat a memory? Ever since Josie put that spell on everyone, my memories have been slowly returning. The dream I just had was a memory of when I first met Raf, but it didn't end with me bleeding or Mg attacking me, that part was a nightmare.

I brush it off and start to get ready early this morning because I agreed to help Hope with watching the portal. Well, by agreed I more so mean that I told her I was gonna be there and ended the call before she could say anything.

Once I'm ready for the day, I head straight to town square. I met with Hope sitting on the bench, daydreaming.

"Hey" I quietly say, snapping Hope out of her trance.

"Oh uh, hey" Hope says as she puts away some kind of large crystal.

"What's that all about?" I ask, gesturing to the crystal.

"It's nothing" She brushes off.

"One con about my memories being back," I look at her. "I remember how you are and that you put your hair behind your ear when you're lying." I point to her hair, as she brushed it behind her ear, "Now fess up" I raise my eyebrow and put my hand out, waiting for her to give it to me.

She sighs and hands it to me. I start to examine it. "It basically lets me see people and talk to them. Well, not the real them, it's kind of like a replica of them?" She admits.

"And whose replica may you be talking to?" I ask.

"I use it to talk to Landon, or a replica of Landon, I guess" Hope looks at the ground and fiddles with her hand.

I look at her sincerely. "Hope..." I sigh.

"I know, okay? You don't have to say it. It's stupid and pathetic and I should pull myself together and talk to the real him. It's just," she sighs. "He remembers now. He knows what we were to each other, he knows how I feel about him. But, when I was gone, he found Josie, and now he's left to decide between us. I mean, what if he doesn't choose me? What if I'm not who he loves anymore? Or even if he does choose me, does that mean I'll loose Josie?" Hope rants.

Give Me Hope ~ Stefanie Salvatore Where stories live. Discover now