Chp 1

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She began dramatically inhaling and exhaling whilst focusing her eyes on one spot on the wall. I simply rolled my eyes and sat myself down on the brick wall.

Sam : you need to chill out. They're only teenage boys.

She then, not to my surprise, stared at me with disbelief. I just smiled.

Sydney : they are way more than just teenage boys, Sam, and you know it!

I shrugged.

Sydney : I wish you'd at least pretend to enjoy yourself or just be happy for me.

I stood up and sighed as the line began to edge forward slightly.

Sam : fine, but don't expect me to become an mmer anytime soon. Not gonna happen.

Sydney : not even a little bit?

Sam : Syd!

Sydney : fine, deal.

The line began to move forward even more until we could see both of them clearly. They seemed bigger in person compared to when Syd showed me pictures from Instagram. They were smiling for a photo with a little girl who looked around six and had their logo painted on both cheeks.

It baffled me by how many people could actually be infatuated by two ordinary boys which had nothing really special about them other than they can sing and play a little football. I just couldn't wrap my head around it ; the whole fan girl thing. These girls are crazy obsessed with these boys. Like can you imagine someone stalking you for pictures or coming to your house. I would think they're mental and need to get help. It's just so crazy.

We had literally been in this queue for over an hour and we were finally only a few people away from meeting them. I say 'finally' not because I'm desperate to meet them but because I'm desperate to go home. Syd somehow convinced me to come by bribing me with a jar of Thornton chocolates. It worked.

We made it to the end of the queue and so Syd squealed and jumped about before giving both of them a hug. I walked in behind her, ready to take a photo. But instead one of the twins (I think it was Marcus) opened his arms wide signalling for me to hug him. I just kinda laughed a little and took a step back.

Sam : oh, no, I'm not a fan.

He dropped his arms to his side.

Marcus : and that means I can't hug you because...?

Sam : because I don't want one.

I crossed my arms. He stared at me, confusion spread across his face. I, however, found this situation rather amusing. He needs to learn that not everyone is 'in love' with him.

Marcus : then why are you here?

Sam : god, get over yourself.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to Syd to take her camera. I took several steps back and lifted the camera up to my face to take a photo of the three of them together, Syd in the middle. As I was taking it I noticed Marcus staring at the bruise on my arm. When the photo was taken I quickly gave the camera back to Syd and pulled my sleeve down my arm to my hand in order to hide it. As Syd said goodbye, I held my head low. I noticed Marcus still staring at me and so as soon as Syd was done I got out of there as soon as possible.

Sydney : that was the best experience of my life! Thank you so much for coming with me!!

I just smiled.

Sydney : weren't they just so nice!

Sam : pfft, a little full of themselves.

I said this in a mumble.

Sydney : what?

Sam : nothing.


I knocked on Harper's door, my foot tapping on the floor impatiently. I texted her that I was coming when I was in my house which is only next door so she shouldn't be too long. At that moment, the door swung open revealing Harper and so we began walking.

Sam : you got your letter?

Harper : yup. I really hope I get in, it would be so much fun if we all went together.

Sam : I know I've always wanted to go to Croatia.

Harper : how was it?

Sam : what?

Harper : the meet and greet?

Sam : let's just say that I'm never going again.

Harper : that bad?

Sam : they're just so full of themselves, like they think everyone loves them.

Harper : well, Syd sure does.

Sam : yeah she was all over them, I really don't know what she see's in them.

Harper : she plans on marrying Martinus one day, someone really needs to bring her back to reality.

Sam : yeah, she needs to get over those two twins and find herself a boyfriend.

Harper : you're alright, you've got Joel.

I looked down at the road and kicked one of the stones in front of me.

Harper : you're so lucky you've got someone like him in you're life.

Sam : yeah.

Harper : I'd die for that kind of relationship but no one wants me.

Sam : shut it! Any boy would be lucky to have someone like you!

Harper : yeah, about that. I've been meaning to tell you something.

Sam : what is it?

Harper : I've known you since we were babies and so I trust you not to tell anyone. That is until I'm ready.

Sam : I would never.

Harper : ok.....I'm gay.

Sam : omg Harper!

I smiled and hugged her tightly.

Harper : you knew.

Sam : well....yeah.

She sighed.

Sam : I mean I spend a lot of time with you. It's hard not to read the signs. But just know that I'm so proud of you for being true to yourself.

Harper : thanks Sam.

We hugged once more before walking through the gates to school. As we walked through the corridors I noticed Joel and a couple of his friends by my locker. Harper and I made our way over.

Harper : hey!

Joel turned round to see us and immediately smiled when he saw me.

Joel : hey gorgeous.

He pulled me in for a kiss as he stroked my hair.

Sam : did you bring your letter for the trip?

Joel : of course, I wouldn't miss it.

At that moment Sydney came over with her Marcus and Martinus hat on like always.

Joel : do you still wear that?

He laughed.

Sam : Jo!

Joel : what?!

Syd just ignored him and held up her letter in front of her face with only her eyes still visible.

Syd : shall we?

Harper : we shall.

We all then made our way to the office to hand in all our letters for the trip. I desperately wanted to go to this as it's the only opportunity of a school trip we get in high school. I also knew there was only 50 spaces and practically the whole 1000 pupil school was applying for it so I was trying not to get my hopes up too much but it was hard when the whole school was talking about it.

We get to know if we got in tomorrow so there won't be much sleeping tonight I'm guessing. All we can do is hope.

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