Chp 8

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Principal : you're in luck!

My face lit up. Was he gonna say what I thought he was gonna say?!?

I walked towards him along with Harper and Sydney. They were just as excited as I was. I stared at him, waiting for him to speak, for what felt like days.

Principal : I've got a space free for the trip. Would you like it?

Sam : hell yeah!

I covered my mouth with my hands.

He made one of those looks towards me but I knew he wasn't that angry at me.

Sam : who dropped out?

Principal : Danielle Bucket broke her arm last night and so she's in hospital unable to attend the trip. That was her parents just there, explaining the unfortunate news.

Harper : not so unfortunate for you.

She mumbled in my ear. My thoughts made it back to that day when I told danielle I had dropped out. She just laughed and said 'I would never do that'. Well that's just karma.

Sam : thank you so much!

Principal : no problem, I'll see you three on Friday then shall I?

Sydney : yup!

We all burst out the room into the corridor and broke into immediate happiness. We jumped about giggling and squealing until the bell rang.


It was finally the Friday morning which meant we were leaving today! I was so excited that as soon as my alarm went off I jumped out of bed and got ready in the space of about 3 minutes. And that's saying something cause that NEVER happens. I mean NEVER.

I had already packed my bag last night so I didn't have much else to do other than wait until it was time to leave. I skipped downstairs to the kitchen, meeting my dad already sat, reading the newspaper.

Dad : hiya! So you all set?!?

Sam : yup!

Dad : sorry I didn't help you pack but I had a bunch of paperwork to go through last night and you know me, always wanting to get things out the wa-

Sam : dad, it's fine really. I think I can pack a suitcase.

Dad : right sorry I'm forgetting you're 16 now.

Sam : yeah nearly 17!

Dad : god yeah it's only about a month! When did that happen!?

Sam : time flies.

I began to nibble on my toast to which dad kindly prepared for me.

Dad : ....look I know I'm not the best dad ever but I just want you to know that I'm so proud of you and who you've become.

Sam : thanks dad. And anyway, you are the best dad ever! Even if you made all my white shirts pink from the wash!

We both laughed.

Dad : no but in all seriousness, I try my best and it may not be all that good but I want you to know that I do try.

Sam : I know you do, and you're doing a great job.

Dad : really?

Sam : really.


Annabelle came fumbling down the stairs with her arms out in front like a zombie. I knew that she was just joking because her eyesight isn't that bad but she made me laugh anyway.

Escape // Marcus and Martinus Story ❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now