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Maybe it's me, but it seems like when we walked into the restaurant all eyes were on us. No. Not us, but her. And when I said all eyes, I do mean all eyes. I
see a wife forcefully turn her husband's face back to her. I pull Destiny closer to me by her waist. Her in this dress was going to be the death of me. It's a good fucking thing I got us a private table. I don't need any eyes on my women other than mine.

The Hostess stops at two double sliding doors and opens it. Our private section. It's not a table for multiples like a regular business dinner. In front of us is a table set for two. It was dark. With only two white candles and a lamp above the setting that was turned down low. I feel Destiny tense at my side. I know what's about to happen, but I'm ready for it. This is going to be just like any other business deal. But because this was Destiny and not some man with thoughts of how he was going to get one over on me, whether it was legit or illegit. This was my future wife I was dealing with. I had to be smooth with this.
"Your waiter will be right with you," she says and takes her leave.
I walk over to the chair and pulled it out for her. She didn't move though. She is looking at me with a suspicious look. The wheels are turning in her head. She's putting two and two together.
"Destiny. Sit." I command her.
"What's this?" She knows. She cocks her eyebrow and nods her head towards the table.
I have to keep myself in check. I want her to will be with me, not think that she doesn't have a choice. I mean not that she does. Or she goes off and tries to sue me for sexual harassment. That has to be done right.
"If you will sit, we can talk." I wait. She watches me. Looking me up and down while walking over and taking the seat I held out for her.
"I ain't about to play small talk with you, Mr. Sanders." she says before it even fully seated. When she says this I can't decide whether to bend her over this table and fuck the shit out of her for the tone or be proud. This is what I would say to someone I was buying their company and they were bullshiting me. She's been to enough of them to know what's going on. I just settle for being proud and getting to the point.
"I want you."
"Why?" she answers fast.
"Why not."
She tilts her head to the side. Throwing her hair back, showing off her bare neck and shoulder. If she keeps this up. I might change my mind and fuck her right here right now.
"Is this because of what happened last night?"
I chuckle. Sitting back in my chair.
"Not even close."
She looks at me.
"How long?"
I can't help but be turned on by her. She was a natural. She was treating me the way I did my opponent associates. But with a sexier touch. With her own touch to it.
"Since you walked in for the job," I tell her.
"That's a lie." She frowns.
"You've been an evil ass troll since I've been working for you," she points her finger at me.
"That was unfortunately, a front" I say.
"Unfortunate huh?" she says.
"So what's changed?"
I don't get the chance to reply. Our waiter comes in.
"My name is Calvin, I'll be your server for this evening." I catch the look he gives Destiny. The kid doesn't know what he's getting himself into.
"Calvin," I interrupt him.
"If you want to keep your job" I tell him,
"You will be wise enough to keep your eyes off the lady."
Calvin looks shook. He looks down and keeps his eyes on his shoes.
Destiny looks at me. Her face tells me she's pissed but she doesn't say anything.
Calvin finishes taking our order all the while with his eyes on his feet, and hurries out of the room closing the double doors behind him.
"This.." she points between herself and I.
"Doesn't give you the right to threaten people" she snaps.
"How long are you trying to have this last?" She sounds annoyed.
"What do you mean?"
"Mr. Sanders, you have never been with a black girl before. Let alone a big black girl" she says.
"So this whole infatuation you have, it's limited."
What she says about this being an infatuation, brings out the old overbearing asshole that she has always known.
"You think this is some kind of crush?" I ask her. I wanna know if I'm getting this correct.
"What else do you think it is" she frowns.
"You saw a big girl and want to try it. You think you want something you don't know nothing about." She shrugs. She has me completely fucked up.
"If that's what you want to do for the meantime, cool. You have me working so much I don't get any play anyways," as she flips her hair.
"So if this is what you want right now, fine. Let's play that game." She looks at me. On the outside, I'm composed. But really, she is about to find out just how much she has me wrong.
I calmly reach over and take a hold of her chair, and quickly pull her to me. She's practically sitting in my lap.
She yelps. I don't give a fuck. I slowly lift the silk dress up her leg making her shudder with anticipation.
"Mr. Sanders..." she doesn't get the chance to finish her fucking sentence. Because I've pushed her thighs open and I'm at her center. She moans out low. I don't think she meant for that to come out. She's trying to force herself to not react. Fuck that.
I rub her clit and she breathes out. I'm watching her every reaction.
She tries to hide her face.
"I'm disappointed, Destiny." I grab her face with my other hand while still playing with her nectar. I make her look at me.
"After all these years with you knowing me." I look her in the eyes. She can't look away.
"You seemed to have forgotten." I dip my finger inside of her. She arches her back. Sighing out with need. Her pupils dilate.
"I get what I want. And when I want it." I tell her, moving faster. She reaches for my arm. But its not to push me away, she just needs something to hold on to.
"And you're what I want baby."
She throws her head back. And I feel her getting close. But I pull myself from her golden pussy and slide her dress down.
"Mr. Sanders!!" she hisses. She's pissed I stopped. But realization comes to her when the waiter comes in with our drinks and another one follows with our food. She looks at me still breathless while my face is plastered with a smug look as I lick her from my fingers.
She is about to find out just how wrong she was.

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