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The man squatting in front of me curses under his breath while hanging up the phone.
"You lucky bitch." he hangs up the phone and stands up straight. He sneers down at me.

Whoever it was on the other end on that call told him not to do anything to me for the time being, but this doesn't give me any relief. I'm here to begin with, and the way he is still looking at me with his beady little eyes still gives me the creeps.

"Oh but don't worry," he bites his thin lip.

"I'll have my fun with you soon enough" he chuckles.

He was irking my soul. He looked nasty, his cologne stank, and he was greasy to the point that it all looked like sweat. I know I should not be catching an attitude with these people, but I'm not one to know when NOT to talk back.

"You touch me, you won't get that hand back." And I don't know how I was gonna do it, with no weapon but I meant every word. But did this stop him from stepping forward and backhanding me? My head goes back and connected with the concrete wall behind me. it was lights out...
                                                                                                                                                "Wake up."  The voice sounds far away, but I think I've heard it before.

"I said wake up!" Whoever it was, was getting impatient. But it was clearer now. The moment I move my head the pain bounces around, throbbing.

I groan out in pain.

"Finally!" her voice sounds so fake, and with this, I don't even have to open my eyes to know who it is.


It all makes sense now. Natalie was behind this whole thing.

"You crazy bitch." I groaned.

I open my eyes and sit up. She is sitting in a chair in the middle of the room, looking down at me like I'm one of the many nasty questionable things in the disgusting place.

"That's not a very nice thing to say to the person who's holding you and your child's lives in their hands." She shakes her head looking down at me with a smug look. She must be on something, like for real.

"You are so stupid. It's really not that hard to figure out that you're behind this... If Shawn and the cops aren't already on their way they will be soon." She was fuckin out if it. But it really didn't matter. Shawn was gonna fuck her up.

"Sweetie, Shawn would never call the police." She rolls her eyes.
"He knows you are here and could care less. He's moved on."

My laughter is almost real. I'm too pissed for this to be funny right now.

"You think you have it all figured out. Shawn is not gonna let you just kidnap me." I roll my eyes.

"As a matter of fact he has. He gave me the go a head when he "went steady" with the likes you." She looks me up and down.

"You're fucking delusional." I tell her the truth. She needed to know that she was crazy.

She looks down at me with pure hatred. Same bitch, same.

"Shawn belongs with me!" she snaps stomping her heels down. She looked so childish when she did this, her eyes wide with anger, and her red ponytail bouncing with her movement.

"You don't deserve him" I simply tell her.

"And let me guess you do?!" She sarcastically asks.

I know I do. The fact that this psychotic bitch had me kidnapped, and is sitting in my face right this minute proves that point right there.  And because if we are keeping score Shawn's  good outweighed his bad. Shawn loved me. And even when he went overboard he still proved it at the end of the day. So when she said that I don't say anything. I just smile.

"You don't know the first thing about Shawn." The look she gives me... Like she knew something I didn't.

"I know he actually loves me. Not You" I tell her. She stands up. I try and do the same, but two things stop me, the sudden movement makes me dizzy and I'm still chained to the walk.

"You are NOTHING!" She glares at me. If looks could kill.
"Shawn doesn't need You. He needs someone who can handle him. I know who he is, I know the shit that he comes with and I love him for it." She didn't know what she was talking about...
I didn't know Shawn? Sure... It's not like I haven't been up his ass for the last three years and not know everything thing about him.
Bitch was crazy.

"I will make sure he forgets about you, Destiny." she spits out my name like it tasted wrong on her tongue.

I actually laugh at this.

"No, he won't!" I see her turn red and this makes me laugh harder.

"Shawn is gonna beat yo ass!"

My laughter turns to cries of agony with a sudden sharp pain to the side of my head, I double over, clenching my head.

"Even if he does, he won't ever see you or that damn baby. You will be long gone."

Through blurry eyes I look up at this evil bitch, to see her smiling down at me. 

"You're going somewhere far away from Shawn, and when you pop out the damn thing, you and it will be sold" she tells me.


She is happy with the panicked look on my face.

"Shawn wouldn't let that happen" I tell her.

"You won't get away with this." The door flies open and a woman struts into the room.

Her blonde hair flows down in waves. Her makeup painted perfectly on her beautiful face.

She walks up to Natalie.

"Everything is ready Natalie," She says.

The evil glint Natalie gives me increases the fear in my heart.

"Sweetie, I think I will" She grins...

The woman that just walked in walks towards me. It's then that I notice the Syringe in her hand.

"You better not!" I give her a fair warning. I was gonna hurt her if she tried it.

"Cho!" Natalie calls.
"A little assistance."

The greasy creep comes into the room and walks right up to me...
His dark brown eyes light up like something wicked.
The smile on his face made me want to throw up...
I scoot back against the wall ready for the fight.
But there wasn't gonna be any of that... He lifts up his hand and brings it down hard on my face...
Black and White dots take over my sight and I fall down... I feel the needle being jabbed into my thigh and my body runs numb. I get this high feeling... And then there is nothing at all.
The last thing I hear is her evil laughter.

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