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He should have never left me. He should have just worked it out with me, we honestly could have looked passed the mess, but no Shawn had to be difficult as always. I thought that maybe giving him some time to cope with the situation, that he would be good. But no the idiot had to go and fall for that fat bitch, forgetting about me. How did he think I was gonna take it?!

She was living in a house that should be mine. He was having a baby that should have been mine. She had the man that was supposed to be mine.
This bitch didn't even know him. Not the real him. She didn't deserve him. The man was made for me.

Shawn was mine, whether he wanted to acknowledge this or not, and this Destiny was getting in the middle of it. Her and that damn baby had to go. Shawn would be ok, I will make him understand.

I look over to my purse in the passenger seat. These papers, they were just leverage. Daddy was long gone, and my business was good. Better actually, now that Daddy was gone. I had the business thriving, so I really didn't need Shawn's.
I just wanted him.
But Shawn was a wall street man amongst other things and using his money got his attention. He will get over it. I did want in on the other shit though. I could run the fucking city if I could just get in. Shawn and I could be the head of the mafia if we got rid of Antonio Martinez and his family. He just didn't realize it. He needed me.
So using The Yakuza to kidnap Destiny would lead the Martinez's to assume that as an act of war. Anarchy begins..... I will show them all.
I reach over and grab my phone. With all the shit going on in my head at this moment, I almost forgot to check in with Frankie Cho.
He picks up on the third ring.

"What's the status?" I ask.

"Oh, she's up" Cho answers.

"I'm looking down at her right now?" his raspy voice croaks through.
Ok the guy was probably messing with her, the creep.

"Leave her alone, Cho" I tell him.
"I'm on my way" I warned.
He scuffs. "Whatever" and he hangs up. The fucking sleazeball.

I don't give a rat's ass what he does to her, I just don't want him to start without me. Her and I have some things to settle before I let him have at her. Then she would be gone, for good...


"I thought you learn from our mistakes, Mio Amico." Antonio shakes his head.

His mistakes came with the territory. He had his wife, sons and brother. Until Destiny, I only had Bentley and he could take care of himself. It hadn't crossed my mind to think that my life could catch up to me, even though we had enemies up the ass in this business. I had been so far up in Destiny's ass that I had forgotten. Never again. My perfect little bubble had been officially popped.

His oldest son Gabriel had her location within thirty minutes, it only took him that long because he turned over every rock in the city just to find out she was at the Cat house. The fucking Cat House, as if her fucking girls could stop me from coming to get my girl. I mean did she really think that she could get anything done in this city without the Martinez family knowing about it?

She fucked up. The bitch was plain stupid. I was actually disappointed, and so was Gabriel. He was insulted that she didn't put more effort into her work. He was tagging along because he wanted to kill something or someone, and said Havana was getting on his nerves so he needed to blow off some steam.

Natalie had some fucking nerve. She goes and kidnaps my girl, tries to take my company, and puts it in my face. Her moves were sloppy, and she didn't think she was ready for this world. She has lost her touch. The bitch has truly lost her mind. But this all didn't matter, she was a dead girl walking.

"I'm going to fucking kill her." I pace the room. I'm ready to get this shit over with, get my girl back, hold her tight, and keep her and our children safe. 

"Calm down." Gabriel's brother William strolls in. The big man should be the last man telling me to calm down. The only thing the Martinez brothers know and love are their family, and the violence that comes with their name. They love the bloodshed, because they are the ones who do the shedding. This is another day in the office for them.

We were not built the same.
This life was NOT supposed to mix with my life with Destiny. What a fuckin' fool I was.

"Don't." I tell him turning my back to him.
"Just don't."

I hear him chuckle under his breath. If he wasn't who he was I would have punched him, but I'm not stupid.

"Next time put a tracker in her Shawn," Gabriel says. 
"La tecnologia è una cosa meravigliosa, amico mio." he shrugs.

I wouldn't be surprised, the man was extreme. And after this, I might actually take my friend's advice.

Bentley walks in. My best friend is taking this as serious as I am. You fuck with me, you fuck with him, and vice versa. Bentley was my brother, just as much as the Martinez family were my friends.

The look on his face kind of shook me. I've never seen my best friend serious before. "We have a fucking problem" he says.

"Natalie has contacted a buyer. For Destiny and the twins" he says.

"What did you just say?" She couldn't be that serious! She was gonna traffic my family?!?!

Gabriel stands up and picks up his guns, placing them in his holsters, that evil in his green eyes.

"Diamoci dentro!" he says {lets roll!} 

William walks over to me and hands me a piece. I don't hesitate. I take it, though I have a feeling I won't be using it, I want to kill Natalie with my bare hands.

She doesn't know what she has done. She's fucked.

I'm coming, Destiny.

Baby I'm on my way.

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