:||: Hooked On A Feeling :||:

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My mind hadn't stopped spinning since the garden, since Darkfyre broke my heart, even since the assessment that I barely passed. I sat against a wall in my room, not feeling the will to move anywhere. I could feel it now, there was more than just rage. I knew something was off. He talked to Kenley then he tossed me. My eyes flickered towards the dagger that I squeezed in my hand and then my eyes lit, almost with a thirst of blood. I stumbled up, feeling my head spin as I pulled rumbled through and pulled my black, leather assassin's coat onto my body. I pulled my hood over my head and slid my dagger under the long trench-like coat and into my sheathe on my thigh.

"No one fucks with my life.." I hissed as I stormed from my room, trying to appear as more upset rather than pissed as I walked through the halls. I kept my head low, carefully pushing through the people running to their class. Then I saw him. I saw Darkfyre silently staring at the ground from where he leaned against a wall. My heart stopped and I hurried to him, grabbing his hand.

"Did you really mean what you said..Or did Kenley put you up to it?" I stare harshly, feeling my emotion swell inside me once again. "Please tell me..." Tears slid down my cheeks as I bit my bottom lip. He said nothing and pulled his hand away, staring at me for a long moment.

His dark eyes were emotionally blank, "I meant it..." He growled, narrowing his eyes and slowly pulling away.

"Darkfyre!! Come back!! I'm not done!!" I screamed.

He suddenly lashed around, "I am." His tone seemed serious. Then he was gone. I took deep breath, calming my nerves and breaking into a run towards the headmaster's quarters.

"Kenley, Tyrone!" I yelled as I kicked open the door, figuring that she would be in here with Tyrone. But she was, in fact, the only person in the room. No headmaster.

"I had figured you would be by at some point." Kenley chuckled, looking up to me.

"What the hell did you say to him?!" I growled, waiting for an answer. When she said nothing I took no moment to think. Instead I ran after her, raising my blade. Kenley quickly dodged.

"Did I ever mention that I trained here? In these very halls.." She smirked, making small talk. I let out a frustrated hiss and swung again, striking and leaving a long cut along her face.

"What did you do?!" I screamed, about to lash out again but Lincoln came in behind me. He grabbed my wrists and twisted them until I screamed and dropped my blade.

"What I did is none of your concern, you petty brat. But now, what I am going to do will make wish you were dead." She chuckled in my ear and stabbed her blade into my shoulder. I screamed about to fall over but Lincoln held me up roughly.

"I want her tied up in the tower. Now. And stay there with her until I am there." Kenley demanded, storming off. Lincoln yanked me out after her. He wasn't being in anyway gentle, which only led one way. Me crying out in pain.

"Looks like your luck has run out, princess." He growled as he pulled me through the unused and secluded hallways, as if to avoid the questioning crowds.

"Let me go!!" I groaned, trying to fight away from his strength; But I was only flailing around as he drug me up an old set of stone stairs, yanking my assassin's coat off and throwing it to the ground, and trussing my hands uncomfortably above my head. It brought back painful memories, it all came rushing back to me. I stood there, pulling at the chains until a few minutes later the door reopened. First Kenley entered, then behind her Darkfyre stepped in the room and the door was shut once again. Darkfyre's eyes widened when he saw me.

"D-Darkfyre..." I stuttered some, staring. Why was he here? But Kenley only laughed, "Darkfyre..." She looked back at him with a threatening glare. Then she took a seat on a metal bench, beckoning for Darkfyre to also take a seat.

"Lincoln, get on with it." Lincoln turned, picking up a whip and going behind me. My breath unevenly and painfully fluttered out as I felt my shirt being ripped from my body. I wiggled awkwardly, trying to cover my scarred stomach as I looked to Darkfyre desperately but he wouldn't look at me. Lincoln growled from behind me and then forcefully lashed my back. A scream slipped by my lips and I inhaled deeply, trying to calm myself. I tried to focus on the mission Darkfyre and I went on, our small talks, our night. But nothing seemed to help with the sting in my back. I felt another lash, then another. Over and over. Before long, I could feel tears soak my cheeks and blood dripping down my back and sides of my rib cage. From my blurred vision I could see Darkfyre stand up quickly, but with one look from Kenley he was sitting back down.

"D-..." I tried to speak but I felt more than weak. He won't change his mind anyways.. I had barely had enough to heal from before and now it was all coming back.

"Lincoln that's enough." Kenley called, making Darkfyre look up and whispering in his ear before looking to me and grabbing her blood dagger in hand.

"It's my turn for some fun." She grinned. I growled and yanked at my hands, trying to ignore the pain that burned against my raw back. I looked up at Darkfyre, trying to put myself at ease by studying his features. But his face looked almost horrified as Kenley stepped closer. To my dismay, seconds later my mind took on something else. More pain. Kenley sliced her blade over my arm, cutting deeply. I screamed out as she did it again along my cheek and then my stomach.

"Kenley..." Darkfyre started to step forward but Lincoln grabbed a hold of him, muttering something else to him and he immediately quietened.

I stared at him, hurt. How could he? Another loud cry left my lips as she cut the back of my thigh, reopening my old wound. I felt my leg try to crash from under me but the ropes around my wrists kept me up, harshly pulling my shoulder blade from its socket.

"S-stop.." I hissed quietly as I got knocked in the jaw by Kenley's fist time and time again.

"Would you rather that I do this?" Kenley pointed her dagger to Darkfyre.

"No!" I growled, "Do whatever the fuck you want to me..." I felt tears running down my cheeks, stinging the cut on my cheek. "Bitch." I added.

Kenley smirked, grabbing my face and making me face her, "Brave girl.." She nodded to Lincoln, who cut the rope that had my arms tightly tied up. I fell to the ground, holding my bleeding stomach and arching over so I'd block the fact that I only had a bra over my chest. Then Lincoln's watch rang and he urgently waved Kenley to his side. Kenley growled, obviously not done with me, but she moved to her companions side and then she started out with Lincoln. I stared after them. My vision blurred horribly. When I tried to stand I collapsed once again, coughing up blood. Someone hurried into the room, getting to my side. Okura!

She grabbed onto me, "Lilith, carefully get up. We are getting you out of here." She hurried and wrapped an arm around my waist to keep me from toppling over. From the corner of my eye I saw Darkfyre step closer but Okura hissed at him, "Get the fuck away from her!" She threatened.

No! Let him come! I wanted to call his name but I felt like more blood would spill from my mouth. My mind screamed, but when Okura got me to my feet I hunched over, coughing wordlessly. Please...I need you.

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