:||: You Found Me :||:

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My head dangled tiredly and my watch that was still on Jeremiah's corpse beeped out a loud contact alarm. I jerked my head up, panicking until I realized it was only the damn watch that about gave me a heart attack. There was a pounding on a door and then a bud of clashing swords and daggers. It all sounded so distant and like it was quite some ways away. It was so faint that I could barely hear it. So I just reclosed my dull eyes; My breathing was very garbled and drained; My mind felt useless; My heart felt dead; My fingers felt numb; My whole body was sore and felt like caving into the empty vessel inside me. I didn't even feel pain from the wounds on my body.

Lincoln and Jeremiah had left me in a deep hole of darkness, drowning in my own fear and lost without my pride intact. The running thickened as someone willed closer to the bolted chamber. There was a loud, determined grunt and then the door swung open, pried straight from its hinges. At first, thanks to my blurry vision, the character who came in was vague and blurry until he got closer. I saw a blurred man come closer. And I thought that I was dreaming. Am I dead?

"D-Darkfyre..?" I groaned. "I-I've missed you... so much... I'm glad it's finally over..." I could barely finish,

"Lil, you aren't dead." His words were gentle but rushed. That's when my heart wasn't dead; It's when my mind took an exhausted leap and I yanked at the rope that kept my hands so tightly bound.

"Darkfyre!! I thought..." My words drowned out as he untied me from the chair. I immediately grabbed onto him, afraid to fall over. One moment later, he was cupping my cheeks in his hands to make me look at him straightly. He looked relieved, but I couldn't tell for sure. I didn't think twice, I just smiled as he pushed himself close and kissed me. And to my surprise, I let myself kiss him back with just as much depth and passion. My hands tangled up in his hair and I just gently bit his bottom lip. Just seeing him, something about it, it pumped my body with adrenaline the moment I set eyes on him. The moment I knew it was real. And it felt amazing. A loud yell broke the kiss.

"The headmaster has been killed!" It sounded like Kenley's triumph ringing clear. I went wide eyed, running two fingers over my lips at the tingling sensation from the kiss.

"We have to go now or else we won't make it out of here" Darkfyre grabbed my beeping smartwatch and turned off the alarm, handing it and my dagger to me. I put on my watch and the dagger in the sheath I had around my thigh. He watched me very carefully as if to not lose sight of me.

"Okay..coming.." I tried to get up, but toppled right over again on my injured leg. Darkfyre was quick to catch me and he pulled my up in his arms, "I've got you, Lil. Just relax. I'll protect you." He whispered, kissing my bruised head as he carried me out of the chambers, hanging low through all the retreating academy assassin's that came to our rescue. I had hoped, with everything in me that they got out the others that survived.

I whimpered, tightly clenching my arms around Darkfyre. On the way out I saw Daniel dead in the floor. He was the one I heard screaming. But the other two weren't there. Darkfyre stepped into one of the three vans that were outside. He sat in a seat and kept me pulled up into his lap. I slowly lifted his shirt some, looking at where I remember him being stabbed. There was a large scar.

"I thought that you were dead. This whole time.." I whimpered and dropped his shirt. He said nothing, he just simply kissed my head. It was silent for a few minutes then he looked down and ran a hand through my hair, "Relax." His arms tightened around my body, drawing me closer.

"Thank you for this..." I whispered, nuzzling into him and pushing my bruised face into his neck. I felt his sturdy hands wrapped around me, holding me tightly. "You are welcome," he whispered back, rubbing my back some. His words, his voice. It all strangely soothed me. I trembled a bit less, falling asleep on the ride back due to my lack of sleep.

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