:||: Stay Awake :||:

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I sat there, waiting for Okura to wake up as I heard the stable doors creak and slam. "Okura..." I shook her easily, "Get up.. someone's here..." I whispered. She jerked up, blade in hand. Okura slept with it clenched in her small, more than likely sweaty, hands all night.

"What the he-" She sat up and I reached for my sword. Charles. The very familiar face stared at me with dark, murderous eyes. Before I could get act Okura threw herself at him, charging with wild fury. Charles was nothing great. I knew this, but he was much more trained and would probably be a harder kill. Okura immediately tried to plunge her dagger into his chest but he was quicker. He threw his sword up and clashed with her dagger, pushing it uncomfortably close to her face.

I jumped to my feet, throwing myself behind Charles, eagerly raising the two handed sword, But before I could send it slicing through his skull he had kicked into Okura's stomach and ducked from my blade. I attempted to swing down and still make the kill but my feet were swept from under me and he had me on my knees. The sound of iron clanged against the barn floor as his hand clamped around my neck.

"Okura, darling." He scoffed, "I'll give you one chance to live. All you have to do it leave this little bitch with me to take care of." His eyes where much darker than normal. I stared at my sword which had fallen away. I tried to reach for it but Charles put his cold steel blade to my throat. My eyes raised to Okura, trying to get her to kick my sword tome but instead she spun around, taking off. Bitch!!!! My head screamed.

Charles pushed his lips to my ear, "Now princess, have a good time in hell." he smirked as I quickly grabbed my dagger around from my thigh, "Me? I think you should rethink that." I lied, figuring this was the end for me.

Charles rolled his eyes at the wall, pulling me to my feet so that my back against his chest as if he was ready to slit my throat and end my life.

"I don't just want to kill you my dear... oh, no. I want to put you in a pit and add pounds of drying concrete slowly until your damn mouth is full of muck. I want you to slowly suffocate and be unable to scream for help. I don't care if you're sorry anymore, I don't want to hear it. You should have told me all that crap back when it could have made a difference but now, it's too late. I'm here to carry out a job and I feel no shame because you took what was beautiful in me and made it into what it is today. I hope you're proud, it's all your handiwork." He growled, reminding me of the past which I had kept so desperately hidden, "So today, Lilith, you have met your match."

There was a short moment where I didn't pay attention, I could only think about the past. I had once been with Charles, briefly after I had a bad fallout. It ended only weeks later and he didn't take it well. I reached back and then just turned my dagger and stabbed it back into the only flesh of his that I could reach. The blade burrowed deep into his side, wedging in between his ribs. He screamed and released me, pulling the blade from his body and dropping it to the ground. I reached and snatched my fallen sword, pulling it close to block him as he held up his long iron blade to impale it through my small body. He had me stuck where I was, sword to mine and I was on my knees. I could feel my arms starting to shake as I pushed up more. And then a roar growled out and then there was a loud crash. And another. And another. His eyes narrowed and before he could send me to my death, the ground broke from under us. In the last moment I leaped away from him and then it collapsed into the hard ground at the lower level of the shack. My ears busted and an ache lingered in my back.

"Lilith!!" Okura called out for me, getting off the ground where it appeared that she jumped off the bike an d she ran into the rubble as I pushed a large piece of wood off me. Once it was off, the first thing I saw was Okura standing over me and holding out a hand to help me to my feet.

"Thanks...For a minute there I thought you were taking him up on his offer.." I took her hand and let her pull me to my feet. There was a groan just before Okura opened her mouth to speak and both of our heads snapped sideways. There was Charles, gasping with wide, terrified eyes as if he had just seen the ghostly figure of death standing over him, sucking his soul from his body. Blood flowed thick and sluggish, from the gaping wound in his stomach where he was impaled straight through from his back to his belly from his back to his belly, spilling out a bloody waterfall of crimson down his side that puddled onto the ground.

"He deserved it. Repeat it to yourself, Okura. He deserved it." I flinched, staring at the horrifying scene.

"H-he deserved it.." She repeated with a slight shudder. What was I saying? No one deserved this. . My mind exploded with rage, then pity, then remorse. I wanted him dead, that was not lie; But this wasn't the way he should've gone. It should've been quick and painless. And now here he was, gasping and squirming, barely holding onto his last breath. Just let go, Charles. I wanted to call to him as the light slowly left his eyes. This was slow and what I imagined to be quite painful. Dear Lord, no. But I was thankful, I wasn't dead. Okura wasn't dead.

"I would never take up his offer, by the way, you're like a sister to me.." She whispered, taking her eyes off Charles. I smiled some and wrapped my arm over her shoulders, turning so our bodies no longer faced Charles. "We live another day, Okura. And now, you know they won't stop..We need to cross that wall." Yes, the wall. The wall that kept every Dylation captive from what was outside of the states. We were always taught that it was the end of the world.

"Count me in." Okura smiled a bit back. We will find where we belong. Good-bye Academy.

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