:||: Is This The End? :||:

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The pain has an unpleasant warmth to it, eating away just under my breasts. The pain isn't sharp like a needle point or a knife, it burns throughout my abdomen worse than boiling water. Everything feels scolded and, move or not, I'm in more pain than I could have ever imagined was possible. It owns me, dominates my every thought, controls my every action. And the pain won't fade and was increasing in pulses, small lulls giving false hope of an end. Each peak of pain robs my ability to speak, sends me crashing to the bare, cold ground. It's as though my blood has become acid, intent of destroying me from the inside out. All I can do is writhe, the occasional whimper escaping to echo off the walls. I have been stabbed, yet it was never this bad.

"NOO!" A door busted open. I couldn't turn my body to see where, but I knew that voice. It was my mother.

"You stupid bitch! I said chose!" Kenley roared, her voice echoed, not on the intercom this time. It sounded closer.

"Get away from her!" My mother's voice sounded more distant.

"Lilith! Just hold on!" Darkfyre. His voice sounded, grief surged through his voice with every expelled breath. And every time I tried to inhale, I was never sufficiently soothed by my long intakes of the cramped, odd smelling air - instead it only made me panic more. The tears that had already began to spill from my helpless, green eyes into my growing puddle of blood. In that moment I was in complete knowledge that life would go on without me, that time was only stopped for myself. Then something happened and there was yelling. I managed to turn my head. My mother held Kenley off, slamming her against the wall. Lana stormed in with Naomichi and his twin brother Takashi. They were followed by Winter, Roland and my brother Clark. Then Dean who was limping in badly from behind.

"Lilith!" Clark gasped, running over to me, followed by the struggling idiot Dean. My vision started to dot badly and my heart pounded but slowed. Even my hearing was becoming hard. Before I knew it my brother had cut Darkfyre free and he was beside me. He pushed his hands around the blade, careful not to move it and a pressure that made me writhe more pushed into my chest.

"Just hold on, you'll be okay." Darkfyre's eyes looked panicked. As Okura appeared on my other side.

"Let her go dude." Dean grabbed Darkfyre's arm, pulling his hands off my chest.

"Don't touch me! Just get the fuck away!" Darkfyre roared at him, shoving Dean away and placing his hands on my chest again to try and stop the bleeding.

I groaned, looking at Okura, "I know you've notic-ed..And when this is over I nee-d y-you to tell him.." It hurt to speak. All I could think about is wanting the pain to stop.

Okura flinched, "Wait. You mean.." She looked to my stomach with wide eyes, "No! I-I can't! You will live and everything will be okay!"

Darkfyre looked over, having heard, "Tell me what?!" I grunt more as Darkfyre gently picks me up and pulls me against his chest.

"She's..." Okura couldn't bring herself to say it. The emotional exertion was bringing forth more breathlessness, like the air around me is devoid of oxygen. My ribs heave up and down but no benefit comes as the pain feels more and more numb. Relief. Dizziness. I slump into Darkfyre starting to close my eyes.

"She's what?!" He looked down to me, then to Okura who had her eyes locked on my stomach with sadness.

Immediately, I knew he must've understood. I have never seen him so distraught to the point he may cry. "No! You don't get to die, Lilith! That isn't an option.."

I wanted to focus on him. I wanted to focus his face, his voice, his scent. Because I didn't know if I'd ever walk around with him or if I would ever practice with him. Would I get the chance to go on a mission with him again or just lay and talk? More importantly would I ever get to know his true reaction on an incident that was never meant to be? A child wasn't in my cards, my life has been planned out since I was eight and there was no room. And I didn't know the answer to any of my questions because my eyes were fixated on Kenley and my mother. And at Clark who stood not far off, trying to watch me and the woman he didn't even know was his own mom. Kenley kneed Elise, followed by a punch that threw her to the ground. I wanted to scream but I just couldn't. I hated what my mother did. But she was my flesh and blood. I watched as Darkfyre tried to coax me into looking at him and more pressure from Okura was against my chest, willing me to stay when I only felt like letting go. Kenley ran her hands over the cold metal battle axe on her hip and let a giggle slip, soon followed by a snort.

"Good try. But it looks like you're rusty."

Then as she picked up the axe I saw Elise's eyes pop a she struggled to pull her blade from her belt. Then only a short scream slipped her lips and the axe was drilled deep in her skull. Kenley's foot kicked into Elise and pushed her body to the ground and off her axe.

"Well looks like you dirtied my baby." Kenley gave a terribly sick grin and leaned over, wiping the blood off on my mother's pants.

"NOO!" I tried to push forward as more pain lurched through me and Darkfyre and Okura forced me back down to keep me from moving the dagger in my body. I felt weak, like I was slowly dying. Emotional pain has a biological purpose, to teach, and now it was playing its cards in my life. It was teaching me. I've been pushing back against pain for so long, medicating with friendship, with romantic notions, yet it returns in my weaker moments like now, eradicating my mind. And I never learned before, not until today. If I kept this up, eventually I'd lose myself - that is - if I haven't already.

That moment Naomichi and Takashi ran at Kenley. Then Lana and Winter. And Roland, who was the closest. And just as I willed my teary, nearly lightless eyes to look away. Kenley swung her axe into Roland then ran, leaving him to fall on the ground with an axe in his chest.

And in the mist of all the commotion, Dean spoke up. "Just let her die!" Dean yelled in the hectic rampage and reached his hand in, wrapping his hands around the dagger handle and yanking it out. A rough, ripping pain shocked through my body as the blood that they were trying to control came seeping out.

Darkfyre's eyes became more enraged that I have ever seen before and he gently put me on the ground, pulling his shirt off and pushing it against the wound, "Hold it tightly." He pleaded Okura and kissed my head, "I love you." He whispered then got up, having his dagger out in a matter of seconds and striding toward the Dean.

"You could've just killed her!" He yelled. Dean seemed to be smarter than I thought, he must've knew taking on Darkfyre with his injured leg was about the stupidest thing possible so he did the only thing he could. He ran. But was slow and stumbled. Darkfyre had grabbed his shirt, yanking him back. He didn't think twice or give him a chance to speak. And I knew he would probably be hurting later but he stabbed him in the back. then again. And again. It didn't take Dean long to collapse. One more second and I couldn't hold my eyes open and complete darkness clouded around me, wiping away all the pain with it. I was numb.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2018 ⏰

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