:||: Suicide Mission :||:

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Okura and I crouched outside the academy, staring at the bridge that led to the door way. It was nearly 2 days later and I knew, by now that Darkfyre would be looking for us.

"So that's your plan? Walk straight in and hope that they don't kill us. Or worse?" Okura growled.

"No...Just wait." I waved my hand, trying to keep my voice down as I waited and kept a close eye on the watch tower. Eventually as the sun hit its peak in the sky, a shadow loomed away under the shade of the tower and another replaced it, standing tall and still.

"Come on, let's go now." I started to stand, but Okura snatched at my hand, "We can't do this. Darkfyre will kill me if I let something happen to you. We can find another way in.."

"Okura, please, just trust me." I pulled my hand free with a frown, "It's my brothers shift. He wouldn't betray me."

She frowned and nodded, "Alright.."

"Clark." I said as I stepped out from behind the bushes and into the sunlight where he could see me clearly. The sun was blazing brightly above me like the celestial fireball in the sky. Between gaps in the cloudy canopy, glances of its molten-gold rays splashed onto the floor. In places, the dead leaves seemed to be a-fire with an inner glow. It was simply a beautiful, soul-swelling experience.

"Lilith..." He stared down at me with his wide green eyes that shimmered just as my own.

"I was told that the headmaster had killed you." He looked behind himself, making sure no one was listening or sneaking up on him.

"You'll be killed if you're caught.." Clark moved his weapon down. For my left, I felt Okura uncomfortably shift from side to side. Then she spoke up, " We need to get in..Now and quietly."

Clark looked unsure, "Lilith, I can't! I'll be sending you two to your deaths. There's way too many guards for you two to fight."

"Please Clark. It's important. We will survive like we always have. But we don't have much time." I flinched, becoming aware that he may be brain-washed. What if Okura was right? Could I trust my own brother or will he turn on me by the headmasters hand?

"Before what...?" He questioned.

"Before the hunters find us. We need to hide in the castle, then we will leave." I lied, nodding to Okura as we started to step closer to the doors. Clark sighed but inhaled deeply, then opened the doors for us.

"Thank you. I will never forget this." I smiled, pulling my dagger and motioning Okura in as I stepped forward. The doors slowly closed behind us.

"Please take care Lilith," He waved. I smiled and slightly waved back. Then Okura and I exchanged glances and she took a weave to the right, behind the set of plants that were neatly lined up around the walkway that was finely paved into the courtyard.

"There should be guard up at the front.." Okura murmured as I kept my body low to the ground, following her out of the sight of any wanderers that lurked in the garden. "We will see if the tunnels are still around the side."

I narrowed my eyes and gave a simple shake of my head, "Okura, those can only be opened from the inside." I reminded, trying not to sound too snobbish. But she only shook her head in disagreement.

"That's only what they wanted us to think." I felt rather confused, but followed her closely to the wall so no attention was drawn.

"Here." Okura pointed to a few small steps that went down to a steel door that was without a handle and was covered in moss. Before I knew it she had managed to pop it open.

"I..How the hell did you do that?" I gasped, tilting my head as she slipped in, followed by myself. We sealed the door air tight once inside.

"Let's just say I spent a lot of time sneaking in and out of the academy at night." Okura gave a mischievous devilish grin.

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